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Pack trill -- prolog/utility_translation.pl
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This module translates OWL/RDF axioms into TRILL format and loads the knowledge base to be queried by TRILL.

The translation form OWL/RDF is based on the Thea OWL library. Thea OWL library is available under the GNU/GPL license. http://vangelisv.github.io/thea/

- Riccardo Zese
- Artistic License 2.0
 load_owl(++FileName:kb_file_name) is det
The predicate loads the knowledge base contained in the given file. The knowledge base must be defined in pure OWL/RDF format.
 load_owl_from_string(++KB:string) is det
The predicate loads the knowledge base contained in the given string. The knowledge base must be defined in pure OWL/RDF format.
 expand_all_ns(++Module:string, ++Args:list, ++NSList:list, --ExpandedArgs:list) is det
The predicate takes as input a list containing strings and expands these strings using the list of prefixes. Finally, it returns the list of expanded strings. It adds names in Args to the list of known elements.
 expand_all_ns(++Module:string, ++Args:list, ++NSList:list, ++AddName:boolean, --ExpandedArgs:list) is det
The predicate takes as input a list containing strings and expands these strings using the list of prefixes. Finally, it returns the list of expanded strings. If AddName is set true it adds names in Args in the list of known elements.
 is_axiom(?Axiom:string) is det
This predicate unifies Pred with one of the possible type of axioms managed by TRILL and by the translation module.