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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "identity"

Title:Registration, login, and role management
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.2.2
SHA1 sum:c8e2bc732fb7998e3efe5055c411a5c306341923
Author:Anne Ogborn <anne@swi-prolog.org>
Maintainer:Anne Ogborn <anne@swi-prolog.org>
Packager:Anne Ogborn <anne@swi-prolog.org>
Home page:https://github.com/Anniepoo/identity
Download URL:http://github.com/Anniepoo/identity/archive/0.2.2.zip


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An identity management system for SWI-Prolog.

Release 0.2.2

This release has all basic functionality working.

Testing has been minimal, but if you're adventurous, this is now the reasonable way to make a login and registration system in SWI-Prolog.

What it is

Almost every web application has the notion of a user, with an account, a profile, and some privileges.

And signing up for and maintaining this is pretty much done the same way, with slight variations, everywhere.

And it can get messy and complex to do. There's no reason for everybody to do it over and over.

I needed a library like this, so I wrote one.

Almost everything in this library might need customizing. I will try to be good about promptly accepting PRs for needed hooks. Please contact the lead maintainer (Anniepoo on github, anne@swi-prolog.org by email) before implementing such so we can maintain some uniformity.

And forking and hacking on this or just stealing parts are valid.


This software depends on SWI-Prolog 8.1.0 or later.


This library is definitely alpha software. It's currently close enough to production ready that you could contribute a few days work and it would be ready for beta use.


A license file should accompany this software. The intent is that this software should be easily integrated with SWI-Prolog license.

Portions of this software incorporate code from the demo_login.pl example distributed with package-http, part of SWI-Prolog.

Bluffer's Guide

This is a cookbook guide to getting identity services running.

General Setup

You will need to ensure the identity library is loaded.


If you're reading this document you probably already did this.

Now you can load identity.

:- use_module(library(identity/identity)).

We won't need sessions, generally, for users not logged in. Set your session options to create(noauto) prior to starting the server. You might also want to increase the session time.

go :- use_default_db, http_set_session_options( [ create(noauto), timeout(1800) % half hour sessions ]), http_server(http_dispatch, [port(5000)]). ---

Setup static file handlers

You will need the normal js, css, and img handlers. You can either just load library(identity/login_static) and let pack(identity) handle it, or set them up yourself.

As long as the abstract paths js(.), css(.), and img(.) point at the appropriate directories you'll be fine.

Attach Database

Identity is agnostic about how you store your user data.

A simple choice is the default back end. Call use_default_db before starting the server. User data will be persisted to the file users.db using library(persistancy). This solution is adequate for 100,000 users or so.

If you need something else, library(identity/login_database) provides this set of multifile predicates.

:- multifile user_property_expansion/2, set_user_property_expansion/2, assert_user_property_expansion/2, retract_user_property_expansion/2, retractall_user_property_expansion/2. ---

Each takes the arguments UserName and a compound. They make a key-value store in the obvious way.

All second arg values are compounds. Currently all are of arity 1.

At minimum this set of compounds should be supported.

  • password_hash(Hash) - A cryptographically secure pw hash
  • email(Email) - should be per-user unique
  • role(Role)
  • activation_key(Key) - one of poss. several valid keys to email activate the account

If at all possible storing arbitrary functors should be supported, as the registration form roadmap includes adding arbitrary other info. Any functor may appear multiple times. eg a user might have multiple roles. This store is a convenient place to store other per_user data.

These user roles are known.

  • needs_activation - if this role is present the user is redirected to the needs activation page
  • user -logged in users who can do normal things

When a user has logged in, completed 2FA, activated their account, isn't banned, and so on, they have role(user). They may have additional roles (admin, teacher, ...).

Set Access

Add a role/1 option to any handler that requires login. This can be any roles you want. A common set would be [user, admin], and most 'normal' pages would be role(user). Non logged in users can access only pages without a role.


Default behavior is to only make a session when a user logs in. If you need sessions for guests I suggest you figure out what that should look like and send us a PR.

:- http_handler(root(secret), secret_handler, [id(secret), role(user)]).

By default, all login happens on URI path `/login`. To move it, assign a higher priority user:location in another place

:- multifile http:location/3. http:location(login, root(mylogin), [priority(0)]). ---

If your user doesn't have access to the page, they will be directed to an error page. See the error section of `library(identity/identity) for the default no-access page. If you would like to create your own status page, copy this code and ensure it's loaded after the identity pack is loaded.


Set the setting identity:style to style pages. The default is default.

Currently, the `.warning`, `.warn`, and `.error` classes are set with a style block at the end of the registration page. This is likely to change soon.

Changing Language

Most strings displayed to the user pass through local/2.

By implementing the multifile local_hook/2 you can alter most user messages. Return atoms.

Custom Pages

You can make a higher priority version handler for any page.

In a manner similar to overriding the login form handler, you can override login(register) to make a custom registration page. Additional fields in the registration form are persisted into the user info database

Log Out

You can make logout links by simply visiting `/login/logout` while logged in.

By default this returns to the id home. If you want to go elsewhere, add a parameter referer.

Display User Name

The inclusion current_user//0 can be used in termerized html to display the user name.

Activation Email

To require email account activation set setting identity:require_activation_email to true.

Because there are many possible ways to send email and one usually customizes the email body, actually sending the email is left to the application developer.

Implement login_email:activation_email_hook(UName, Email, Link), sending the email.

If not implemented the default sends the link to debug/3. This can be useful for debugging.

Currently not done, but working on password reset email. A similar hook will be provided.

Registration Validation

validation is controlled by a nested dict. This dict is a setting, identity:constraints. See login_validate.pl for the default. Other than using messy regexes, it's fairly obvious.

I intend to add ajax form verification at some point.

REST endpoints

These are not yet addressed.

Expert system

We really just need a list of things that must be true, a list of goals, some that share variables, and we start at the front and call each. If it fails, we call make_true(Goal), and that interacts with the user to make the thing true. But the list of goals could change (eg if you allow pw reset you must setup the backend email server), so maybe it's more like an adventure game, where you must walk through the map, and it presents choices and has planner like actions. Then automatically take the action when only one is possible.

Alternatively, we could have 2 phases - first we ask the user what they want to do, and then we copile what they need to do, and guide them through doing it. And maybe they can save their work in the second part.

TODO - many things are yet to do

  • add to README
  • list of everything you can configure - pages, strings, behavior
  • BUG - click the secret link on the homepage. Login page comes up. After logging in, you don't go to the secret, you go home.
  • password forgot is stubbed in, Add pw reset email
  • add real integration tests
  • add OAuth
    • REST endpoints
  • pengine endpoints
  • document all
  • make a directive & another expansion that lets app programmer set a prefix as

requiring a role

  • Add a meta-inclusion that adds unauthorized class to link if user not authorized
  • Add a pengine endpoint that says yes/no an endpoint is authorized
  • Try overriding login, registration, and forbidden pages
  • Move the error page at bottom of identity to its own module
  • make rest endpoints work, or at least test that they do
  • make sure pengines work
  • if you don't use some stuff in login_crypto for remember_me, remove it
  • handle username is email
  • handle registration invalid (eg dup email)
  • make remember me cookie work
  • expire remember me if user logs out
  • test remember me against changing accounts
  • handle mismatched passwords in registration
  • allow changing password
  • Gravatars
  • admin logs in as user - to let admins change to being a user to help 'debug' user issues.
  • passwordless - to log in you give email and get a one-time link.
  • validate uname char set to avoid faking (display non ascii in color?) homoglyphs
  • guests w/ sessions can get swish svg-atars
  • maybe sep. pack with svg-atars and settings page
  • password strength meter
  • look at doc_server for undoced publics and bad format
  • move all strings in default pages to some strings override predicate
  • prevent adding multiple users
  • add logging of various events
  • add debug/3 calls
  • IP throttle registration & login
  • make a security check wizard
  • make sure you're compatible with https://support.1password.com/compatible-website-design/
  • 2FA
  • allow either email or uname as uname


  • clean up all the redundancy in login_database, use user_property
  • make real persist API
  • make default persist API
  • Design how configuration works. Don't just let it happen.
    • global settings - use settings library
    • how initialization works (lazy?, application programmer calls?) - choose ap programmer
    • strings - local//1 works
    • page layout - override handler
    • add email activation
    • add debug email - just prints debug message
    • add styling support
  • Add checks on uname/pw size

other web design patterns

  • more general identity - profiles, display name, gravatar, zwinkies, gamification rating
  • Rails scaffold
  • flash pattern from rails
  • Hasura like 'watch this thing' against a knowledgebase
  • Site wide maintainence
  • blog
  • CMS
  • store
  • map roi
  • threading, up/down voting, moderators, tagging, rate-limits, quote-replying, retweeting, crossposting.

Contents of pack "identity"

Pack contains 24 files holding a total of 83.7K bytes.