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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "pac"

Title:Anonymous predicates expansion utility
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:1.9.5
SHA1 sum:9bce968614002dad7552e6b6e799307c1e7e6adc
Author:Kunaki Mukai <mukai@sfc.keio.ac.jp>
Download URL:http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~mukai/pac-1.9.5.tgz


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The PAC library defines term_expansion/2, which implements following featues on SWI-Prolog develop version (>= V7.1).

  1. anonymous predicates (closure) as meta-arguments,
  2. a limited functional expressions including applications, and
  3. regular expressions in DCG phrases. Readme this file history change log pack.pl

    document: pac-syntax.txt Syntax in BNF sample-queries.pl sample pac queries.

    prolog: pac.pl setup for use with prolog mode. eh.pl setup for use with emacs handler. setup-aux.pl helper for setup. pac: anti-subst.pl anti-substitution expand-etc.pl expand etcetra (for, repeat, sed, ...) expand-pac.pl expand (compile) pac expressions expand-word.pl expand words in phrase (e.g. regex) interval-boole.pl boolean operations on intervals for regex. basic.pl odict-attr.pl odict-expand.pl op.pl pac-listing.pl parse-regex.pl reduce.pl test.pl misc: math.pl demo on conditional equations misc.pl miscellaneous op-for-user-input.pl operators for user_input sample-module.pl a sample module using KIND. (other files). other: includes miscellaneous codes. tmp: directory for temporary data.

    pac-config.pl a temlate file to be placed at home directory.

    javascript: http-request.js javascript script to communicate with PAC

    elisp: prolog-process.el emacs-lisp script to communicate with PAC, in which shortcuts are defined.
  • A sample usage: ?- [library(pac)]. ?- module(pac). pac: ?- maplist(pred([X,Y,X-Y]), [a,b,c], [1,2,3], R).

    I will appreciate for any comment or feedback.


    Kuniaki Mukai mukai at kuniaki.mukai (at gmail.com )

Contents of pack "pac"

Pack contains 158 files holding a total of 1.9M bytes.