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![]() | Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog |
Title: | Purely relational predicates that implement Pseudo-Random Number Generation (PRNG) and Random Sampling (to-do). |
Rating: | Not rated. Create the first rating! |
Latest version: | 0.2.2 |
SHA1 sum: | 97967c4012837cd0d3832fd53b05974fd9d8ca66 |
Author: | Luiz Fernando https://github.com/LuizFBR |
Maintainer: | Luiz Fernando https://github.com/LuizFBR |
Packager: | Luiz Fernando https://github.com/LuizFBR |
Home page: | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random |
Download URL: | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git |
No reviews. Create the first review!.
Version | SHA1 | #Downloads | URL |
0.2.2 | 97967c4012837cd0d3832fd53b05974fd9d8ca66 | 1 | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git |
0.2.1 | 0aef08908df6f3e6b3b97d25d1a3c7b562c3cda2 | 1 | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git |
0.1.1 | a36533304bdb3f80d099fe9076774e366d83413f | 1 | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git |
0.0.0 | 018b0406b70745709d216d2c04234bf062afae8b | 1 | https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git |
Purely relational predicates that implement Pseudo-Random Number Generation (PRNG), Random Sampling (to-do) and Noise algorithms (to-do).
This project is still in its early versions and things like predicate names and argument ordering are all prone to change. This is not a (and probably will never be) "finished project".
##### To-do
This package provides the following predicates:
Predicate | Description |
rg/1 | An abbreviation of random_generator/1 |
rg/3 | An abbreviation of random_generator/3 |
random_generator/1 | A pre-built random generator |
random_generator/3 | Random generator with a intial seed and sequence. |
random/3 | Random number from 0 to 2^32-1 |
random_bounded/4 | Random number from 0 to Max-1 |
random_between/5 | Random number from Min to Max-1 (Max - Min < 2^32) |
random_list/4 | List of N random numbers from 0 to 2^32-1 |
random_boundedlist/5 | List of N random numbers from 0 to Max-1 |
random_betweenlist/6 | List of N random numbers from Min to Max-1 (Max - Min < 2^32) |
probability/4 | Reifies the truth value of Probability = Num / Den chance of an event happening into T |
random_permutation/4 | Relates a list and one of its random permutation (shuffled) |
And the following DCGs:
Predicate | Description |
grandom_generator//1 | Random generator with a intial seed and sequence. |
grandom//1 | Random number from 0 to 2^32-1 |
grandom_bounded//2 | Random number from 0 to Max-1 |
grandom_between//3 | Random number from Min to Max-1 (Max - Min < 2^32) |
grandom_list//2 | List of N random numbers from 0 to 2^32-1 |
grandom_boundedlist//3 | List of N random numbers from 0 to Max-1 |
grandom_betweenlist//4 | List of N random numbers from Min to Max-1 (Max - Min < 2^32) |
gprobability/2 | Reifies the truth value of Probability/Precision chance of an event happening into T |
grandom_permutation/4 | Relates a list and one of its random permutation (shuffled) |
All predicates implemented so far use PCG number generation.
Each predicate (except random_generator/1 ) provides the two initial arguments RandomGenerator and NextRandomGenerator, e.g.:
random(RandomInt, Pcg32randomt, NextPcg32randomt) :- pcg32_random_r(Pcg32randomt, NextPcg32randomt, RandomInt).
And to use them you need an instance of a random generator and plug it into the first argument then into the second argument, like so:
?- random_generator(X),random(N1,X,X1), random_bounded(5,N2,X1,X2), random_betweenlist(-5,10,5,L1,X2,X3). X = pcg32randomt(9600629759793949339, 15726070495360670683), X1 = pcg32randomt(14425053563923168794, 15726070495360670683), N1 = 355248013, X2 = pcg32randomt(13821270098544127085, 15726070495360670683), N2 = 0, X3 = pcg32randomt(2638482799351248520, 15726070495360670683), L1 = [5, 5, -1, 3, -4].
For using the DCGs, all you need to do is call phrase/3 (phrase/2 won't work, as the dcgs expect to pass state) and call the predicates with their arguments without worrying about passing the number generators. E.g.:
?- random_generator(X), phrase( ( grandom(A), grandom_bounded(5,B), grandom_betweenlist(-5,10,5,L) ) , [X], Y). X = pcg32randomt(9600629759793949339, 15726070495360670683), A = 355248013, B = 0, L = [5, 5, -1, 3, -4], Y = [pcg32randomt(2638482799351248520, 15726070495360670683)].
To install the r_random library, type the following in the SWI-Prolog shell:
? - pack_install('r_random'). true.
or, alternatively, you can install directly from this github repo:
?- pack_install('https://github.com/LuizFBR/r_random.git'). true.
Import this module with
:- use_module(library(r_random)).
This library depends on Markus Triskas' clpfd library: https://www.swi-prolog.org/man/clpfd.html
And Ulrich Neumerkel's reif package: https://github.com/meditans/reif
Credits for the PCG algorithms goes to:
PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation Author: "Melissa E. O'Neill"
PCG implemenation based on https://github.com/imneme/pcg-c-basic/blob/master/pcg_basic.c
Pack contains 4 files holding a total of 11.5K bytes.