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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog

Package "vcard"

Title:vCard Parser and Predicates
Rating:Not rated. Create the first rating!
Latest version:0.0.1
SHA1 sum:93a37e3034a4bd28c2491d900ab4c997b2eb5403
Author:Christian Gimenez <cgimenez.public@openmailbox.org>
Home page:https://bitbucket.org/cnngimenez/swi-vcard/
Download URL:https://bitbucket.org/cnngimenez/swi-vcard/get/vcard-*.zip


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VCard Package for SWI-Prolog

This package implements predicates and DCG rules for parsing VCard files.

VCard is specified at these standards/proposals:

  • RFC2425 A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information (obsoleted by 6350)
  • RFC2426 vCard MIME Directory Profile (obsoleted by 6350)
  • RFC4770 vCard Extensions for Instant Messaging
  • RFC6350 *vCard Format Specification*(updated by 6868)
  • RFC6868 Parameter Value Encoding in iCalendar and vCard xCard is specified at RFC6351 xCard: vCard XML Representation.



See COPYING.txt file or the GNU GPL Licence page.

Contents of pack "vcard"

Pack contains 13 files holding a total of 61.2K bytes.