This library is intended to be activated using the directive below in
files that are designed for use with SICStus Prolog 4. The changes are in
effect until the end of the file and in each file loaded from this file.
:- expects_dialect(sicstus4).
This library only provides compatibility with version 4 of SICStus Prolog.
For SICStus Prolog 3 compatibility, use library(dialect/sicstus) instead.
- To be done
- - The dialect-compatibility packages are developed in a
`demand-driven' fashion. Please contribute to this package.
rename_module(?SICStus4Module, ?RenamedSICStus4Module) is nondet[multifile]- True if RenamedSICStus4Module is the name that we use for the
SICStus 4 native module SICStus4Module. We do this in places where
the module-name conflicts. All explicitly qualified goals are
mapped to the SICStus 4 equivalent of the module.
nonmember(?Element, ?List) is semidet- True if Element doesn't unify with any element in List.
No variables are bound.
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
if(:If, :Then, :Else)- Same as SWI-Prolog soft-cut construct. Normally, this is
translated using goal-expansion. If either term contains a !, we
use meta-calling for full compatibility (i.e., scoping the cut).
use_module(+Module, -File, +Imports) is det
- use_module(-Module, +File, +Imports) is det
- This predicate can be used to import from a named module while
the file-location of the module is unknown or to get access to
the module-name loaded from a file.
If both Module and File are given, we use Module and try to
unify File with the absolute canonical path to the file from
which Module was loaded. However, we succeed regardless of the
success of this unification.
bb_put(:Name, +Value) is det
bb_get(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_delete(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_update(:Name, -Old, +New) is semidet- SICStus compatible blackboard routines. The implementations only
deal with cases where the module-sensitive key is unknown and
meta-calling. Simple cases are directly mapped to SWI-Prolog
non-backtrackable global variables.
bb_put(:Name, +Value) is det
bb_get(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_delete(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_update(:Name, -Old, +New) is semidet- SICStus compatible blackboard routines. The implementations only
deal with cases where the module-sensitive key is unknown and
meta-calling. Simple cases are directly mapped to SWI-Prolog
non-backtrackable global variables.
bb_put(:Name, +Value) is det
bb_get(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_delete(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_update(:Name, -Old, +New) is semidet- SICStus compatible blackboard routines. The implementations only
deal with cases where the module-sensitive key is unknown and
meta-calling. Simple cases are directly mapped to SWI-Prolog
non-backtrackable global variables.
bb_put(:Name, +Value) is det
bb_get(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_delete(:Name, -Value) is semidet
bb_update(:Name, -Old, +New) is semidet- SICStus compatible blackboard routines. The implementations only
deal with cases where the module-sensitive key is unknown and
meta-calling. Simple cases are directly mapped to SWI-Prolog
non-backtrackable global variables.
create_mutable(?Value, -Mutable) is det- Create a mutable term with the given initial Value.
- Compatibility
- - sicstus
get_mutable(?Value, +Mutable) is semidet- True if Value unifies with the current value of Mutable.
- Compatibility
- - sicstus
update_mutable(?Value, !Mutable) is det- Set the value of Mutable to Value. The old binding is
restored on backtracking.
- See also
- - setarg/3.
- Compatibility
- - sicstus
read_line(-Codes) is det
read_line(+Stream, -Codes) is det- Read a line from the given or current input. The line read does
not include the line-termination character. Unifies Codes with
if the end of the input is reached.
- See also
- - The SWI-Prolog primitive is read_line_to_codes/2.
- Compatibility
- - sicstus
read_line(-Codes) is det
read_line(+Stream, -Codes) is det- Read a line from the given or current input. The line read does
not include the line-termination character. Unifies Codes with
if the end of the input is reached.
- See also
- - The SWI-Prolog primitive is read_line_to_codes/2.
- Compatibility
- - sicstus
trimcore is det- Trims the stacks and releases unused heap memory to the
operating system where possible. Other tasks of the SICStus
trimcore/0 are automatically scheduled by SWI-Prolog.
prolog_flag(+Flag, -Old, +New) is semidet- Query and set a Prolog flag. Use the debug/1 topic
to find the flags accessed using this predicate.
block +Heads- Declare predicates to suspend on certain modes. The argument is,
like meta_predicate/1, a comma-separated list of modes
(BlockSpecs). Calls to the predicate is suspended if at least one
of the conditions implies by a blockspec evaluated to
. A
blockspec evaluated to true
iff all arguments specified as `-' are
Multiple BlockSpecs for a single predicate can appear in one or more
:- block
declarations. The predicate is suspended untill all mode
patterns that apply to it are satisfied.
The implementation is realised by creating a wrapper that checks the
block conditions and either calls the original predicate immediately
(if none of the block conditions were true) or uses attributed
variables to delay re-evaluating the block condition until any of
the arguments in question are bound.
- Compatibility
- - SICStus Prolog
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
statistics(Arg1, Arg2)