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http_dirindex.pl -- HTTP directory listings
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This module provides a simple API to generate an index for a physical directory. The index can be customised by overruling the dirindex.css CSS file and by defining additional rules for icons using the hook file_extension_icon/2.

To be done
- Provide more options (sorting, selecting columns, hiding files)
Source http_reply_dirindex(+DirSpec, :Options, +Request) is det
Provide a directory listing for Request, assuming it is an index for the physical directrory Dir. If the request-path does not end with /, first return a moved (301 Moved Permanently) reply.

The calling conventions allows for direct calling from http_handler/3.

Source directory_index(+Dir, :Options)// is det
Show index for a directory. Options processed:
Sort the files in the directory listing by Field. Field is one of name (default), size or time.
Sorting order. Default is ascending. The alternative is descending
DCG used to render a name in the table. The File is passed.
Source http:mime_type_icon(+MimeType, -IconName) is nondet[multifile]
Multi-file hook predicate that can be used to associate icons to files listed by http_reply_dirindex/3. The actual icon file is located by absolute_file_name(icons(IconName), Path, []).
See also
- serve_files_in_directory/2 serves the images.