http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms) is det
http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms, :Options) is det- Get HTTP GET or POST form-data, applying type validation,
default values, etc. Provided options are:
- attribute_declarations(:Goal)
- Causes the declarations for an attributed named A to be
fetched using
call(Goal, A, Declarations)
- form_data(-Data)
- Return the data read from the GET or POST request as a
list Name = Value. All data, including name/value pairs
used for Parms, is unified with Data.
The attribute_declarations hook allows sharing the declaration
of attribute-properties between many http_parameters/3 calls. In
this form, the requested attribute takes only one argument and
the options are acquired by calling the hook. For example:
[ sex(Sex)
[ attribute_declarations(http_param)
http_param(sex, [ oneof(male, female),
description('Sex of the person')
- bug
- - If both request parameters (?name=value&...) and a POST are
present the parameters are extracted from the request parameters.
Still, as it is valid to have request parameters in a POST request
this predicate should not process POST requests. We will keep the
current behaviour as the it is not common for a request to have both
request parameters and a POST data of the type
In the unlikely event this poses a problem the request may be
specified as [method(get)
http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params) is det
http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params, :AttrDecl) is det- Implements the parameter translation of http_parameters/2 or
http_parameters/3. I.e., http_parameters/2 for a POST request
can be implemented as:
http_parameters(Request, Params) :-
http_read_data(Request, Data, []),
http_convert_parameters(Data, Params).
http_convert_parameter(+Options, +FieldName, +ValueIn, -ValueOut) is det- Conversion of an HTTP form value. First tries the multifile hook
http:convert_parameter/3 and next the built-in checks.
- Arguments:
Option | - List as provided with the parameter |
FieldName | - Name of the HTTP field (for better message) |
ValueIn | - Atom value as received from HTTP layer |
ValueOut | - Possibly converted final value |
- Errors
- -
type_error(Type, Value)
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms) is det
http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms, :Options) is det- Get HTTP GET or POST form-data, applying type validation,
default values, etc. Provided options are:
- attribute_declarations(:Goal)
- Causes the declarations for an attributed named A to be
fetched using
call(Goal, A, Declarations)
- form_data(-Data)
- Return the data read from the GET or POST request as a
list Name = Value. All data, including name/value pairs
used for Parms, is unified with Data.
The attribute_declarations hook allows sharing the declaration
of attribute-properties between many http_parameters/3 calls. In
this form, the requested attribute takes only one argument and
the options are acquired by calling the hook. For example:
[ sex(Sex)
[ attribute_declarations(http_param)
http_param(sex, [ oneof(male, female),
description('Sex of the person')
- bug
- - If both request parameters (?name=value&...) and a POST are
present the parameters are extracted from the request parameters.
Still, as it is valid to have request parameters in a POST request
this predicate should not process POST requests. We will keep the
current behaviour as the it is not common for a request to have both
request parameters and a POST data of the type
In the unlikely event this poses a problem the request may be
specified as [method(get)
http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params) is det
http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params, :AttrDecl) is det- Implements the parameter translation of http_parameters/2 or
http_parameters/3. I.e., http_parameters/2 for a POST request
can be implemented as:
http_parameters(Request, Params) :-
http_read_data(Request, Data, []),
http_convert_parameters(Data, Params).