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![]() | sparql_client.pl -- SPARQL client library |
This module provides a SPARQL client. For example:
?- sparql_query('select * where { ?x rdfs:label "Amsterdam" }', Row, [ host('dbpedia.org'), path('/sparql/')]). Row = row('http://www.ontologyportal.org/WordNet#WN30-108949737') ; false.
Or, querying a local server using an ASK
?- sparql_query('ask { owl:Class rdfs:label "Class" }', Row, [ host('localhost'), port(3020), path('/sparql/')]). Row = true.
HTTPS servers are supported using the scheme(https)
?- sparql_query('select * where { ?x rdfs:label "Amsterdam"@nl }', Row, [ scheme(https), host('query.wikidata.org'), path('/sparql') ]).
queries, row(...)
queries and true
or false
for ASK
queries. Options are
Variables that are unbound in SPARQL (e.g., due to SPARQL optional
clauses), are bound in Prolog to the atom '$null$'
query.Remaining options are passed to http_open/3. The defaults for Host, Port and Path can be set using sparql_set_server/1. The initial default for port is 80 and path is `/sparql/`.
For example, the ClioPatria server understands the parameter
. The code below queries for all triples using
?- sparql_query('select * where { ?s ?p ?o }', Row, [ search([entailment=rdfs]) ]).
Another useful option is the request_header
which, for example,
may be used to trick force a server to reply using a particular
document format:
?- sparql_query( 'select * where { ?s ?p ?o }', Row, [ host('integbio.jp'), path('/rdf/sparql'), request_header('Accept' = 'application/sparql-results+xml') ]).
sparql_set_server([ host(localhost), port(8080) path(world) ])
The default for port is 80 and path is /sparql/
v(Name, ...)
and Rows is a
list of row(....)
containing the column values in the
same order as the variable names.true
or false
v(Name, ...)
and Rows is a
list of row(....)
containing the column values in the
same order as the variable names.true
or false