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quintus.pl -- Quintus compatibility
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This module defines several predicates from the Quintus Prolog libraries. Note that our library structure is totally different. If this library were complete, Prolog code could be ported by removing the use_module/1 declarations, relying on the SWI-Prolog autoloader.

Bluffers guide to porting:

  • Remove use_module(library(...))
  • Run ?- list_undefined.
  • Fix problems

Of course, this library is incomplete ...

Source unix(+Action)
This predicate provides a partial emulation of the corresponding Quintus predicate. It provides access to some operating system features and unlike the name suggests, is not operating system specific. Defined actions are below.
Equivalent to shell(Command)
Equivalent to shell(Command)
Equivalent to access_file(File, read)
Equivalent to working_directory(_, Dir)
Equivalent to current_prolog_flag(os_argv, List).
Equivalent to args(List), but arguments that are syntactically valid numbers are passed as a number.
Source otherwise
For (A -> B ; otherwise -> C)
Source abs(+Number, -Absolute)
Unify `Absolute' with the absolute value of `Number'.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source genarg(?Index, +Term, ?Arg) is nondet
Generalised version of ISO arg/3. SWI-Prolog's arg/3 is already genarg/3.
Source prolog_flag(?Flag, ?Value) is nondet
Same as ISO current_prolog_flag/2. Maps version.
- Should map relevant Quintus flag identifiers.
Source date(-Date) is det
Get current date as date(Y,M,D)
Source no_style_check(Style) is det
Same as SWI-Prolog style_check(-Style). The Quintus option single_var is mapped to singleton.
See also
- style_check/1.
Source simple(@Term) is semidet
Term is atomic or a variable.
Source current_stream(?Object, ?Mode, ?Stream)
SICStus/Quintus and backward compatible predicate. New code should be using the ISO compatible stream_property/2.
Source stream_position(+Stream, -Old, +New)
True when Old is the current position in Stream and the stream has been repositioned to New.
- New code should use the ISO predicates stream_property/2 and set_stream_position/2.
Source skip_line is det
Source skip_line(Stream) is det
Skip the rest of the current line (on Stream). Same as skip(0'\n).
Source compile(+Files) is det
Compile files. SWI-Prolog doesn't distinguish between compilation and consult.
See also
- load_files/2.
Source atom_char(+Char, -Code) is det
atom_char(-Char, +Code) is det
Same as ISO char_code/2.
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet
Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I understand them the code below emulates this function just fine.
Source raise_exception(+Term)
Quintus compatible exception handling
Source on_exception(+Template, :Goal, :Recover)

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det
Source cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det
Source tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det
Source log(+X, -NatLog) is det
Source log10(+X, -Log) is det
Source pow(+X, +Y, -Pow) is det
Source ceiling(+X, -Value) is det
Source floor(+X, -Value) is det
Source round(+X, -Value) is det
Source sqrt(+X, -Value) is det
Source acos(+X, -Value) is det
Source asin(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan(+X, -Value) is det
Source atan2(+Y, +X, -Value) is det
Source sign(+X, -Value) is det
Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as functions under is/2, etc.
- Do not use these predicates except for compatibility reasons.
- Quintus Prolog.
Source skip_line is det
Source skip_line(Stream) is det
Skip the rest of the current line (on Stream). Same as skip(0'\n).
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet
Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I understand them the code below emulates this function just fine.
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet
Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I understand them the code below emulates this function just fine.
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet
Source midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet
Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I understand them the code below emulates this function just fine.