predsort(:Compare, +List, -Sorted) is det- Sorts similar to sort/2, but determines the order of two terms
by calling Compare(-Delta, +E1, +E2). This call must unify Delta
with one of <, > or =. If built-in predicate compare/3 is used,
the result is the same as sort/2 (but sort/2 is built using more
low-level primitives and is considerably faster).
- See also
- - keysort/2 provides a more portable way to sort on
arbitrary keys that is usually faster. The predicate sort/4
can sort on specific arguments of compound terms or key values
of dicts.
locale_sort(+List, -Sorted) is det- Sort a list of atoms using the current locale.
- Arguments:
List | - List of atoms |
Sorted | - Sorted atoms. |