"once should be deprecated"
Personal opinion
Definitely prefer once/1 over ->/2.
It makes the intent clear and, unlike ->/2, is actually readable.
Don't get confused
Note that this is absolutely not the same as using "cut":
foo(A,B) :- member(A-B,[a-1,b-2,c-3,a-4]). foo(A,B) :- member(A-B,[d-5,e-6,a-7,f-8]).
we have:
?- foo(a,B). B = 1 ; B = 4 ; B = 7 ; false.
Once-ify the first clause:
foo(A,B) :- once(member(A-B,[a-1,b-2,c-3,a-4])). foo(A,B) :- member(A-B,[d-5,e-6,a-7,f-8]).
?- foo(a,B). B = 1 ; B = 7 ; false.
But if you cut at the end of the first clause:
foo(A,B) :- member(A-B,[a-1,b-2,c-3,a-4]),!. foo(A,B) :- member(A-B,[d-5,e-6,a-7,f-8]).
You get:
?- foo(a,B). B = 1.
Where is twice/1 ?
If there is a once/1
, there should probably be a twice/1
And there is: limit/2 from library(solution_sequences)