HREF is a link on the local server to a handler with given
ID, passing the given Parameters. This predicate is typically
used to formulate a HREF that resolves to a handler
implementing a particular predicate. The code below provides a typical
example. The predicate user_details/1
returns a page with details about a user from a given id. This predicate
is registered as a handler. The DCG user_link//1
renders a link to a user, displaying the name and calling user_details/1
when clicked. Note that the location (root(user_details)
is irrelevant in this equation and HTTP locations can thus be moved
freely without breaking this code fragment.
:- http_handler(root(user_details), user_details, []).
user_details(Request) :-
[ user_id(ID)
user_link(ID) -->
{ user_name(ID, Name),
http_link_to_id(user_details, [id(ID)], HREF)
html(a([class(user), href(HREF)], Name)).
HandleID | is either an atom, possibly module
qualified predicate or a compound term if the handler is defined using a
pattern. See http_handler/3
and http_location_by_id/2. |
Parameters | is one of
- See also
- http_location_by_id/2
and http_handler/3 for
defining and specifying handler IDs.