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Profile for user EricGT

Comments by EricGT

Note: While the version is Major.Minor.Patch it is not [Semantic Versioning](htt ...
Sec. 2.13Also see: make_hook/2
Sec. 4.35.3For more predicates based on Date and Time see the SWI-Prolog pack: [date_time]( ...
To generate documentation from a file use ``` swipl --pldoc myfile.pl ```
PackagesFor additional libraries check 1) [The SWI-Prolog library](https://eu.swi-prolog ...
Sec. AFor additional libraries check 1) [Packages](https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/do ...
Sec. 4.39If you started the gui tracer, e.g.
Sec. 4.17.2Related Forum post: Preserving CR with LF when converting text files to characte ...
open/4Related Forum post: Preserving CR with LF when converting text files to characte ...
Sec. forum post: Preserving CR with LF when converting text files to characte ...
Sec. 4.20Note: [print_term/2](https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=prolog_pret ...
Sec. A.16must_be/2 from library: errorl.pl ([GitHub](https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/swipl- ...
Sec. \c does not exclude comments When using \c e.g. ~~~~ Input = "\c Line 1\n\ ...
Note: Test file name changed from `ztest.pl` to [test_zlib.pl](https://github.co ...

Packages by EricGT

tot: 1
tot: 149
Goal directed ASP solver
This list contains packages whose author name, e-mail or homepage url matches the profile information.