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Pack ciao -- prolog/dialect/ciao/write.pl
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Similar to numbervars(Term,0,_), except that singleton variables in Term are unified with '$VAR'('_'), so that when the resulting term is output with a write option numbervars(true), in the place of singleton variables _ is written. This predicate is used by portray_clause/2.
 printable_char(+Char) is semidet
Char is the code of a character which can be printed. Not really sure what this means. Mapped to code_type/2 using type graph.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

 portray_clause(+Clause) is det
 portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause) is det
 portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause, +Options) is det
Portray `Clause' on the current output stream. Layout of the clause is to our best standards. Deals with control structures and calls via meta-call predicates as determined using the predicate property meta_predicate. If Clause contains attributed variables, these are treated as normal variables.

Variable names are by default generated using numbervars/4 using the option singletons(true). This names the variables A, B, ... and the singletons _. Variables can be named explicitly by binding them to a term '$VAR'(Name), where Name is an atom denoting a valid variable name (see the option numbervars(true) from write_term/2) as well as by using the variable_names(Bindings) option from write_term/2.

Options processed in addition to write_term/2 options:

See above and write_term/2.
Left margin used for the clause. Default 0.
Module used to determine whether a goal resolves to a meta predicate. Default user.
 portray_clause(+Clause) is det
 portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause) is det
 portray_clause(+Out:stream, +Clause, +Options) is det
Portray `Clause' on the current output stream. Layout of the clause is to our best standards. Deals with control structures and calls via meta-call predicates as determined using the predicate property meta_predicate. If Clause contains attributed variables, these are treated as normal variables.

Variable names are by default generated using numbervars/4 using the option singletons(true). This names the variables A, B, ... and the singletons _. Variables can be named explicitly by binding them to a term '$VAR'(Name), where Name is an atom denoting a valid variable name (see the option numbervars(true) from write_term/2) as well as by using the variable_names(Bindings) option from write_term/2.

Options processed in addition to write_term/2 options:

See above and write_term/2.
Left margin used for the clause. Default 0.
Module used to determine whether a goal resolves to a meta predicate. Default user.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 write_term(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 write_term(Arg1, Arg2)
 write(Arg1, Arg2)
 writeq(Arg1, Arg2)
 write_canonical(Arg1, Arg2)
 print(Arg1, Arg2)
 numbervars(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)