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Pack k8s_client -- prolog/k8s_client.pl
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 k8s_create_resource(+ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, +Instanc:dict, -InstanceOut:dict, +Options:list) is semidet
Creates a resource at the Kubernetes API and unifies the InstanceOut with the server response. Options are same as for the predicate k8s_get_resource/6
 k8s_delete_resource(+ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, +Instance:dict/atom, +Options:list) is semidet
Delete a resource at the Kubernetes API. Options are same as for the predicate k8s_get_resource/6
 k8s_get_resource(+ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, -InstanceName:atomic, -Instance:dict, +Options:list) is nondet
k8s_get_resource(+ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, +InstanceName:atomic, -Instance:dict, +Options:list) is nondet. Unifies InstanceName - and Instance with the object representing resource of the kubernetes API. If the InstanceName is not bound then all instances are retrieved. ApiGroup is either the valid name of the Kubernetes API Group or the core atom.

The actual cluster address, context, and namespace is provided either options or loaded from the configuration. The below options are supported, in addition to options passed down to the http_open/3 predicate:

  • k8s_config(Config:dict) - kubectl configuration - if not provided then the configuation is loaded by first succesfull of the following possibilities
    • resolving and mergin config files specified by environment variable KUBECONFIG if existing;
    • loading `~/.kube/config` file if existing;
    • using pod service account if the process is executed from the pod.
  • k8s_context(Context:atom) - name of the context to use from the k8s_config option. If not specified, then current-context property of k8s_config is used as a default value
  • k8s_namespace(Namespace) - the namespace from which to load resource instance(s). Shall be set to all if all namespaces shall be listed (will fail if InstanceName is bound and resource is namespaced). If not specified then the namespace provided as part of the context or the default namespace will be used.
  • k8s_resource_types_mode(Mode) where Mode is one of cache (default), renew, remote, local. Default to local. Used when resolving if the resource is namespaced. See also k8s_resource_types/2
  • k8s_selectors(Selectors:list) - list of selectors to apply for the resource retrieval(plain, not encoded form)
  • k8s_query(Query:term) - a query parameter to add to the REST call in form as specified by the predicate uri_query_components/2. This option is concatenated if used multiple times
 k8s_update_resource(+ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, +Instanc:dict, -InstanceOut:dict, +Options:list) is semidet
Updates a resource at the Kubernetes API and unifies the InstanceOut with the server response. Options are same as for the predicate k8s_get_resource/6
 k8s_watch_resources(:Callback, +ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, +Options:list) is det
This predicate watches the changes of the resource list specified by the arguments and call `call(:Goal, ChangeType:atom, ResourceInstance:dict)` for each modification in the list. The ChangeType is one of the added, modified, deleted atom. Initial list of instances is provided as sequence of added callbacks after the call of this predicate.

The call is blocking the caller thread.

Options are same as for the k8s_get_resource/6 with extra option:

  • k8s_resource_version(ResourceVersion:atom) - if specified the initial list is retrieved for the changed since the specified resource version. This option is used primary for internal purposes, and can be reset back to 0.
  • `heartbeat_callback(:Callback) - the Callback` is invoked each time there is a change, error, or channel timeout occuring during watching the resource. This may be usefull for healthiness check of the controller. While the loop tends to be robust to typical issue of the errors during watching the callback may implement additional level of robustness. The failure of the callback is ignored.
 k8s_watch_resources_async(:Callback, +ApiGroup:atom, +Version:atom, +ResourceTypeName:atom, -StopWatcher, +Options:list) is det
Forks the separated backgrond thread in which the predicate 'k8s_watch_resources/5` is execute. THe background thread can be finished and joined by calling call(StopWatcher). Other arguments are same as for the 'k8s_watch_resources/5`. Be aware that the Callback is invoked from the different thread than the thread calling this predicate.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 k8s_resource_types(Arg1, Arg2)