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Packs (add-ons) for SWI-Prolog |
Title: | SWI-Prolog interface to C/C++/.NET/Mono/Objective-C |
Rating: | Not rated. Create the first rating! |
Latest version: | 2.0.0 |
SHA1 sum: | 575d4db97338db9f1cfc9413c8a878e7a01a48d9 |
Author: | Douglas Miles http://www.linkedin.com/in/logicmoo |
Maintainer: | Douglas Miles http://www.linkedin.com/in/logicmoo |
Packager: | Douglas Miles http://www.linkedin.com/in/logicmoo |
Home page: | https://github.com/swi-to-yap/swicli |
Download URL: | https://github.com/swi-to-yap/swicli/release/*.zip |
Provides: | swicffi |
No reviews. Create the first review!.
Version | SHA1 | #Downloads | URL |
1.0.0 | cac8d1de69ef5d4dde6b2abe3882ed536fd16d25 | 1 | http://www.logicmoo.org/devel/swicli-1.0.0.zip |
1.0.1 | 5ad26122630974d5d0c9d17840b780077353b05a | 2 | http://logicmoo.org/downloads/packs/swicli-1.0.1.zip |
1.0.2 | 006dd61d6eea5987fe13dfef0971027f3fd76932 | 17 | http://logicmoo.org/downloads/packs/swicli-1.0.2.zip |
1.1.1 | 2b93da7fce90fd8a163ef4b7ecdf13979e4baad8 | 9 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli/archive/1.1.1.zip |
2d080fd15dba573c5ae981841248035577917a30 | 2 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git | |
95d3b40c6e4f8f635e21a678a0081b98d90de49b | 2 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git | |
de4ac385c68656862a7cb12d0426d20af94aeba2 | 1 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git | |
e60360cb71b46646038c2f6fb29faf0ee05cd144 | 2 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git | |
1.1.2 | bf79d7208f85c91b39632b243c7d69d4a35d600c | 1 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git |
1.1.3 | e565a6eb7998b56cba0aa6697ca9a5addc9a0f5d | 1 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git |
https://github.com/swi-to-yap/swicli.git | |||
2.0.0 | 356b70bbe95b18b6ebe809a15cc50fd8f952935a | 27 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git |
444b5ca36896fe1840657923474d367cdded8c6c | 16 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git | |
575d4db97338db9f1cfc9413c8a878e7a01a48d9 | 8 | https://github.com/logicmoo/swicli.git |
YAP/SWI-Prolog 2-Way interface to Common Language Infrastructure (.NET)
== [http://code.google.com/p/opensim4opencog/downloads/list Download] == The File named (SWICLI-xxx-DIST-xxxx.zip) == [https://github.com/swi-to-yap/swicli Sourcecode] ==
== [http://swi-to-yap.github.io/swicli/api.html Documentation] ==
== [http://swi-to-yap.github.io/swicli/documentation.html Old Docs] ==
Example of Prject that uses it:
=== MS windows requires .NET 4.0 or above === Copy these two directories onto your Prolog Install Dir. {{{
Copy pl\bin to your c:\program files[x86]\swipl\bin Folder Copy pl\library to your c:\program files[x86]\swipl\library Folder
Install .NET 4.0
And thats it!
pl//bin/ pl/library/ }}}
=== Linux OS/X requires Mono (2.10.8+) === Ubuntu: apt-get install mono-devel libmono-system-Data-Linq4.0-cil libmono-system-xml-Linq4.0-cil libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil Copy these two directories onto your Prolog Install Dir {{{ pl/lib/ pl/library/ }}}
== Running / Examples == {{{
root@titan:~# swipl Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.1.26) Copyright (c) 1990-2014 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org for details.
For help, use ?- help(Topic)
. or ?- apropos(Word)
?- use_module(library(swicffi))
Cannot install hook ThreadExit to Mono Swicli.Library.Embedded.install suceeded true.
?- cli_get_dll('libc.so.6',DLL)
,cli_call(DLL,printf,["I have been clicked %d times\n", 2],O)
I have been clicked 2 times
DLL = @'C#666',
O = @void.
}}} {{{ [root@titan bin]# . mono_sysvars.sh [root@titan bin]# swipl Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 6.0.2) Copyright (c) 1990-2011 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org for details.
For help, use ?- help(Topic)
. or ?- apropos(Word)
?- use_module(library(swicli))
done RegisterPLCSForeigns
Swicli.Library.Embedded.install suceeded
% library(swicli)
compiled into swicli 2.00 sec, 1,411 clauses
?- cli_call('System.Threading.ThreadPool','GetAvailableThreads'(X,Y),_)
X = 200,
Y = 8.
?- cli_new('System.Collections.Generic.List'('System.String'),[int],[10],Obj)
Obj = @'C#516939544'.
?- cli_get($Obj,'Count',Out)
Out = 0.
?- cli_call($Obj,'Add'("foo"),Out)
Out = @void.
?- cli_call($Obj,'Add'("bar"),Out)
Out = @void.
?- cli_get($Out,'Count',Out)
Out = 2.
?- cli_col($Obj,E)
E = "foo" ;
E = "bar" ;
?- cli_get_type($Obj,Type)
Type = @'C#516939520',
Name = 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]'.
?- cli_get_type($Obj,Type)
, cli_to_typespec(Type,Name)
Type = @'C#516939520',
Name = 'System.Collections.Generic.List'('String').
?- cli_get_typespec($Obj,Type)
Type = 'System.Collections.Generic.List'('String').
?- cli_shorttype(stringl,'System.Collections.Generic.List'('String'))
?- cli_new(stringl,[],O)
O = @'C#516939472'.
?- cli_get_type($O,Type)
Type = @'C#516939520',
Name = 'System.Collections.Generic.List'('String').
cli_add_event_handler( +Class_or_Object, +EventName, +PredicateIndicator)
We already at least know that the object we want to hook is found via our call to
?- botget(['Self'],AM)
So we ask for the e/7 (event handlers of the members)
?- botget(['Self'],AM)
Press ;;;; a few times until you find the event Name you need (in the B var)
A = 6, % index number
B = 'IM', % event name
C = 'System.EventHandler'('InstantMessageEventArgs'), % the delegation type
D = ['Object', 'InstantMessageEventArgs'], % the parameter types (2)
E = [], % the generic paramters
F = decl(static(false), 'AgentManager')
, % the static/non static-ness.. the declaring class
G = access_pafv(true, false, false, false)
% the PAFV bits
So reading the parameter types "['Object', 'InstantMessageEventArgs']" lets you know the predicate needs at least two arguments
And "F = decl(static(false), 'AgentManager')
" says add on extra argument at start for Origin
So registering the event is done:
?- botget(['Self'],AM)
, cli_add_event_handler(AM,'IM',handle_im(_Origin,_Object,_InstantMessageEventArgs))
To target a predicate such as:
= Release notes =
== TODO == # Publish the autoload examples (to website - outside of this package)
== 0.7 == # Started making release notes # The PL_agc_hook (Atom GC) tracker for deciding when to GC foriegn objects # Added the dynamic registrations for exit and abort hooks
Pack contains 1,032 files holding a total of 86.4M bytes.