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tools.pl -- Utilities for building foreign resources
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This module implements the build system that is used by pack_install/1 and pack_rebuild/1. The build system is a plugin based system where each plugin knows about a specific build toolchain. The plugins recognise whether they are applicable based on the existence of files that are unique to the toolchain. Currently it supports

  • conan for the installation of dependencies
  • cmake for configuration and building
  • GNU tools including automake and autoconf for configuration and building
Source build_steps(+Steps:list, SrcDir:atom, +Options) is det
Run the desired build steps. Normally, Steps is the list below, optionally prefixed with distclean or clean. [test] may be omited if --no-test is effective.
[[dependencies], [configure], build, [test], install]

Each step finds an applicable toolchain based on known unique files and calls the matching plugin to perform the step. A step may fail, which causes the system to try an alternative. A step that wants to abort the build process must throw an exception.

If a step fails, a warning message is printed. The message can be suppressed by enclosing the step in square brackets. Thus, in the above example of Steps, only failure by the build and install steps result in warning messages; failure of the other steps is silent.

The failure of a step can be made into an error by enclosing it in curly brackets, e.g. [[dependencies], [configure], {build}, [test], {install}] would throw an exception if either the build or install step failed.

Options are:

where N is 1 or 2 (default: 1). This determines the form of environment names that are set before the build tools are calledd. For version 1, names such as SWIPLVERSION or SWIHOME are used. For version 2, names such as SWIPL_VERSION or SWIPL_HOME_DIR are used.

@tbd If no tool is willing to execute some step, the step is skipped. This is ok for some steps such as dependencies or test. Possibly we should force the install step to succeed?

Source post_step(+Step, +State) is det[private]
Run code after completion of a step.
Source ensure_build_dir(+Dir, +State0, -State) is det
Create the build directory. Dir is normally either '.' to build in the source directory or build to create a build subdir.
Source build_environment(-Env, +Options) is det[private]
Options are documented under build_steps/3.

Assemble a clean build environment for creating extensions to SWI-Prolog. Env is a list of Var=Value pairs. The variable names depend on the pack_version(Version) term from pack.pl. When absent or 1, the old names are used. These names are confusing and conflict with some build environments. Using 2 (or later), the new names are used. The list below first names the new name and than between parenthesis, the old name. Provided variables are:

contains the environment path with the directory holding the currently running SWI-Prolog instance prepended in front of it. As a result, swipl is always present and runs the same SWI-Prolog instance as the current Prolog process.
contains the absolute file name of the running executable.
Version of the pack system (1 or 2)
contains the numeric SWI-Prolog version defined as Major*10000+Minor*100+Patch.
contains the directory holding the SWI-Prolog home.
contains the machine architecture identifier.
constains the destination directory for shared objects/DLLs relative to a Prolog pack, i.e., lib/$SWIARCH.
The SWI-Prolog library or an empty string when it is not required to link modules against this library (e.g., ELF systems)
The SWI-Prolog library we need to link to for programs that embed SWI-Prolog (normally -lswipl).
CMake style variable that contains the directory holding SWI-Prolog.h, SWI-Stream.h and SWI-cpp.h.
CMake style variable that contains the directory holding libswipl
Prefered C compiler
Prefered C++ compiler
Prefered linker
C-Flags for building extensions. Always contains -ISWIPL-INCLUDE-DIR.
Link flags for linking modules.
File name extension for modules (e.g., so or dll)
Install prefix for global binaries, libraries and include files.
 prolog:build_environment(-Name, -Value) is nondet[multifile]
Hook to define the environment for building packs. This Multifile hook extends the process environment for building foreign extensions. A value provided by this hook overrules defaults provided by def_environment/3. In addition to changing the environment, this may be used to pass additional values to the environment, as in:
prolog:build_environment('USER', User) :-
    getenv('USER', User).
Name- is an atom denoting a valid variable name
Value- is either an atom or number representing the value of the variable.
Source def_environment(-Name, -Value, +Options) is nondet[private]
True if Name=Value must appear in the environment for building foreign extensions.
Source prolog_library_dir(-Dir) is det[private]
True when Dir is the directory holding libswipl.$SOEXT
Source default_c_compiler(-CC) is semidet[private]
Try to find a suitable C compiler for compiling packages with foreign code.
To be done
- Needs proper defaults for Windows. Find MinGW? Find MSVC?
Source save_build_environment(+State:dict) is det[private]
Create a shell-script buildenv.sh that contains the build environment. This may be sourced in the build directory to run the build steps outside Prolog. It may also be useful for debugging purposes.
Source prolog_install_prefix(-Prefix) is semidet
Return the directory that can be passed into configure or cmake to install executables and other related resources in a similar location as SWI-Prolog itself. Tries these rules:
  1. If the Prolog flag pack_prefix at a writable directory, use this.
  2. If the current executable can be found on $PATH and the parent of the directory of the executable is writable, use this.
  3. If the user has a writable ~/bin directory, use ~.
Source run_process(+Executable, +Argv, +Options) is det
Run Executable. Defined options:
Execute in the given directory
Unify Out with a list of codes representing stdout of the command. Otherwise the output is handed to print_message/2 with level informational.
As output(Out), but messages are printed at level error.
Environment passed to the new process.

If Executable is path(Program) and we have an environment we make sure to use the PATH from this environment for searching Program.

Source has_program(+Spec) is semidet[private]
Source has_program(+Spec, -Path) is semidet[private]
Source has_program(+Spec, -Path, +Env:list) is semidet[private]
True when the OS has the program Spec at the absolute file location Path. Normally called as e.g. has_program(path(cmake), CMakeExe). The second allows passing in an environment as Name=Value pairs. If this contains a value for PATH, this is used rather than the current path variable.
Source setup_path(+Programs) is det[private]
Deals with specific platforms to add specific directories to $PATH such that we can find the tools. Currently deals with MinGW on Windows to provide make and gcc.
Source mingw_extend_path is semidet[private]
Check that gcc.exe is on %PATH% and if not, try to extend the search path.
Source process_output(+Codes)//[private]
Emit process output using print_message/2. This preserves line breaks.