-- A Java interface for SWI Prolog 7.x |
jpl_array_to_length/2 | Array should be a JPL reference to a Java array of any type. |  |
jpl_array_to_list/2 | Array should be a JPL reference to a Java array of any type. |  |
jpl_array_to_terms/2 | JRef should be a JPL reference to a Java array of org.jpl7.Term instances (or ots subtypes); Terms will be a list of the terms which the respective array elements represent. |  |
jpl_c_lib_version/1 | Version is the fully qualified version identifier of the in-use C component (jpl.c) of JPL. |  |
jpl_call/4 | X should be either * an object reference, e.g. |  |
jpl_class_to_classname/2 | Class is a reference to a class object. |  |
jpl_class_to_type/2 | The Class is a reference to a (Java Universe) instance of java.lang.Class . |  |
jpl_classname_to_class/2 | EntityName is the entity name to be mapped to a class reference. |  |
jpl_classname_to_type/2 | This is a wrapper around jpl_entityname_to_type/2 to keep the old exported predicate alive. |  |
jpl_datum_to_type/2 | Datum must be a JPL representation of an instance of one (or more) Java types;. |  |
jpl_datums_to_array/2 | A will be a JPL reference to a new Java array, whose base type is the most specific Java type of which each member of Datums is (directly or indirectly) an instance. |  |
jpl_entityname_to_type/2 | EntityName is the entity name (an atom) denoting a Java type, to be mapped to a JPL type. |  |
jpl_enumeration_element/2 | Generates each Element from Enumeration. |  |
jpl_enumeration_to_list/2 | Enumeration should be a JPL reference to an object which implements the Enumeration interface. |  |
jpl_false/1 | X is @(false) , the JPL representation of the Java boolean value 'false'. |  |
jpl_get/3 | X can be. |  |
jpl_get_actual_jvm_opts/1 | Returns (as a list of atoms) the options with which the JVM was initialised. |  |
jpl_get_default_jvm_opts/1 | Returns (as a list of atoms) the options which will be passed to the JVM when it is initialised, e.g. |  |
jpl_hashtable_pair/2 | Generates Key-Value pairs from the given HashTable. |  |
jpl_is_class/1 | True if Term is a JPL reference to an instance of java.lang.Class . |  |
jpl_is_false/1 | True if Term is @(false) , the JPL representation of the Java boolean value 'false'. |  |
jpl_is_null/1 | True if Term is @(null) , the JPL representation of Java's 'null' reference. |  |
jpl_is_object/1 | True if Term is a well-formed JPL object reference. |  |
jpl_is_object_type/1 | True if Term is an object (class or array) type, not e.g. |  |
jpl_is_ref/1 | True if Term is a well-formed JPL reference, either to a Java object or to Java's notional but important 'null' non-object. |  |
jpl_is_true/1 | True if Term is @(true) , the JPL representation of the Java boolean value 'true'. |  |
jpl_is_type/1 | True if Term is a well-formed JPL type structure. |  |
jpl_is_void/1 | True if Term is @(void) , the JPL representation of the pseudo Java value 'void' (which is returned by jpl_call/4 when invoked on void methods). |  |
jpl_iterator_element/2 | Iterator should be a JPL reference to an object which implements the java.util.Iterator interface. |  |
jpl_list_to_array/2 | Datums should be a proper Prolog list of JPL datums (values or references). |  |
jpl_map_element/2 | Map must be a JPL Reference to an object which implements the java.util.Map interface. |  |
jpl_new/3 | X can be: * an atomic classname, e.g. |  |
jpl_null/1 | X is @(null) , the JPL representation of Java's 'null' reference. |  |
jpl_object_to_class/2 | fails silently if Object is not a valid reference to a Java object. |  |
jpl_object_to_type/2 | Object must be a proper JPL reference to a Java object (i.e. |  |
jpl_pl_lib_version/1 | Version is the fully qualified version identifier of the in-use Prolog component ( of JPL. |  |
jpl_pl_syntax/1 | Unifies Syntax with 'traditional' or 'modern' according to the mode in which SWI Prolog 7.x was started. |  |
jpl_primitive_type/1 | Type is an atomic JPL representation of one of Java's primitive types. |  |
jpl_ref_to_type/2 | Ref must be a proper JPL reference (to an object, null or void). |  |
jpl_servlet_byref/3 | This serves the byref servlet demo, exemplifying one tactic for implementing a servlet in Prolog by accepting the Request and Response objects as JPL references and accessing their members via JPL as required;. |  |
jpl_servlet_byval/3 | This exemplifies an alternative (to jpl_servlet_byref) tactic for implementing a servlet in Prolog; most Request fields are extracted in Java before this is called, and passed in as a multimap (a map, some of whose values are maps). |  |
jpl_set/3 | sets the Fspec-th field of (class or object) X to value V iff it is assignable. |  |
jpl_set_default_jvm_opts/1 | Replaces the default JVM initialisation options with those supplied. |  |
jpl_set_element/2 | Set must be a JPL reference to an object which implements the java.util.Set interface. |  |
jpl_terms_to_array/2 | Terms should be a proper Prolog list of arbitrary terms. |  |
jpl_true/1 | X is @(true) , the JPL representation of the Java boolean value 'true'. |  |
jpl_type_to_class/2 | Type is the JPL type, a ground term designating a class or an array type. |  |
jpl_type_to_classname/2 | This is a wrapper around jpl_type_to_entityname/2 to keep the old exported predicate alive. |  |
jpl_type_to_entityname/2 | This is the converse of jpl_entityname_to_type/2. |  |
jpl_void/1 | X is @(void) , the JPL representation of the pseudo Java value 'void'. |  |