Returns a float!
Compare with Unix date
command's "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" (watch out for the difference in leap seconds between actual UTC and Unix time and the difference between TAI and UTC).
?- get_time(T),float(T),process_create('/usr/bin/date',['+%s'],[]). 1604652321 T = 1604652321.0266113.
The naming is ... lousy
It should be an arithmetic function and it should be written:
T is the_time()
T is the_time_of(now)
which would make much more sense.
reads as
- "
is an attribute of T", or - "Find me a T so that
is true" (there is no such T, really)
There is also now/1 from the SICStus 3 compatibility library:
?- use_module(library(dialect/sicstus/system)). true. ?- now(T). T = 1604988027.