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![]() | Predicate rdf/4 |
:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf11)).
Triples consist of the following three terms:
where Alias and Local are atoms. Each abbreviated IRI is expanded by the
system to a full IRI.
Datatype IRI Prolog term xsd:float float xsd:double float xsd:decimal float (1) xsd:integer integer XSD integer sub-types integer xsd:boolean true
xsd:date date(Y,M,D)
xsd:dateTime date_time(Y,M,D,HH,MM,SS)
(2,3)xsd:gDay integer xsd:gMonth integer xsd:gMonthDay month_day(M,D)
xsd:gYear integer xsd:gYearMonth year_month(Y,M)
xsd:time time(HH,MM,SS)
(1) The current implementation of xsd:decimal
values as
floats is formally incorrect. Future versions of SWI-Prolog may
introduce decimal as a subtype of rational.
(2) SS fields denote the number of seconds. This can either be an integer or a float.
(3) The date_time
structure can have a 7th field that
denotes the timezone offset in seconds as an integer.
In addition, a ground object value is translated into a properly typed RDF literal using rdf_canonical_literal/2.
There is a fine distinction in how duplicate statements are handled in rdf/[3,4]: backtracking over rdf/3 will never return duplicate triples that appear in multiple graphs. rdf/4 will return such duplicate triples, because their graph term differs.
S | is the subject term. It is either a blank node or IRI. |
P | is the predicate term. It is always an IRI. |
O | is the object term. It is either a
literal, a blank node or IRI (except for true and false
that denote the values of datatype XSD boolean). |
G | is the graph term. It is always an IRI. |
:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
Source | is a term Graph:Line. If Source is instantiated, passing an atom is the same as passing Atom:_. |