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![]() | Custom constraints |
We can define custom constraints. The mechanism to do this is not yet finalised, and we welcome suggestions and descriptions of use cases that are important to you.
As an example of how it can be done currently, let us define a new
custom constraint oneground(X,Y,Z)
, where Z shall be 1 if
at least one of X and Y is instantiated:
:- multifile clpfd:run_propagator/2. oneground(X, Y, Z) :- clpfd:make_propagator(oneground(X, Y, Z), Prop), clpfd:init_propagator(X, Prop), clpfd:init_propagator(Y, Prop), clpfd:trigger_once(Prop). clpfd:run_propagator(oneground(X, Y, Z), MState) :- ( integer(X) -> clpfd:kill(MState), Z = 1 ; integer(Y) -> clpfd:kill(MState), Z = 1 ; true ).
First, clpfd:make_propagator/2 is used to transform a user-defined representation of the new constraint to an internal form. With clpfd:init_propagator/2, this internal form is then attached to X and Y. From now on, the propagator will be invoked whenever the domains of X or Y are changed. Then, clpfd:trigger_once/1 is used to give the propagator its first chance for propagation even though the variables’domains have not yet changed. Finally, clpfd:run_propagator/2 is extended to define the actual propagator. As explained, this predicate is automatically called by the constraint solver. The first argument is the user-defined representation of the constraint as used in clpfd:make_propagator/2, and the second argument is a mutable state that can be used to prevent further invocations of the propagator when the constraint has become entailed, by using clpfd:kill/1. An example of using the new constraint:
?- oneground(X, Y, Z), Y = 5. Y = 5, Z = 1, X in inf..sup.