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![]() | library(explain): Describe Prolog Terms |
The library(explain)
describes prolog-terms. The most
useful functionality is its cross-referencing function.
?- explain(subset(_,_)). "subset(_, _)" is a compound term from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2 Referenced from 46-th clause of prolog_xref:imported/3 Referenced from 68-th clause of prolog_xref:imported/3 lists:subset/2 is a predicate defined in /staff/jan/lib/pl-5.6.17/library/lists.pl:307 Referenced from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2 Possibly referenced from 2-th clause of lists:subset/2
Note that PceEmacs can jump to definitions and gxref/0 can be used for an overview of dependencies.
or just Property. The qualified version limits the result to
predicates defined in Module. Supported properties are:
print_message(information, explain(Explanation))