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![]() | Appendix (examples) |
The examples are in‘/usr/share/swi-prolog/doc/packages/examples/protobufs`,
which is part of the swi-prolog-doc
package. Each directory
has a README
. To run these, you will need to copy them to a
writeable directory.
- This contains the file common.mk
file, which is used by the demo
goal runs some examples.\
See also Addressbook example (section 1.3.3).
The protobuf compiler (protoc
) uses two protobuf formats
to communicate with the plugin:
This is an example of using the low-level interface for implementing a domain-specific language that maps to protobufs.
In this example we demonstrate managing a recursive structure like
XML. The structure shown in xml_proto/1
below, is similar to the structure returned by load_xml_file/2,
which is part of the SGML library. We supply three message_sequence
decorators: kv_pair
, xml_element
, and aux_xml_element
These are treated as first class host types.
:- multifile protobufs:message_sequence//3. protobufs:message_sequence(Type, Tag, Value) --> { my_message_sequence(Type, Value, Proto) }, protobufs:message_sequence(embedded, Tag, Proto), !. % % On encode, the value type determines the tag. And on decode % the tag to determines the value type. % guard(Type, Value) :- ( nonvar(Value) -> is_of_type(Type, Value); true ). my_message_sequence(kv_pair, Key=Value, Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([atom(30, Key), X]), ( ( guard(integer, Value), X = integer(31, Value) ) ; ( guard(float, Value), X = double(32, Value) ) ; ( guard(atom, Value), X = atom(33, Value)) ). my_message_sequence(xml_element, element(Name, Attributes, Contents), Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([ atom(21, Name), repeated(22, kv_pair(Attributes)), repeated(23, aux_xml_element(Contents))]). my_message_sequence(aux_xml_element, Contents, Proto) :- Contents = element(_Name, _Attributes, _ElementContents), Proto = protobuf([xml_element(40, Contents)]). my_message_sequence(aux_xml_element, Contents, Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([atom(43, Contents)]). xml_proto([element(space1, [foo='1', bar='2'], [fum, bar, element(space2, [fum=3.1415, bum= -14], ['more stuff for you']), element(space2b, [], [this, is, embedded, also]), to, you])]). test_xml(X, Y) :- Proto = protobuf([repeated(20, xml_element(X))]), protobuf_message(Proto, Y). % And test it: ?- xml_proto(X), test_xml(X,Y), test_xml(Z,Y), Z == X. X = Z, Z = [element(space1, [foo='1', bar='2'], [fum, bar, element(space2, [fum=3.1415, bum= -14], ['more stuff for you'] ), element(space2b, [], [this, is|...] ), to, you])], Y = [162, 1, 193, 1, 170, 1, 6, 115, 112|...],
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message kv_pair { required string key = 30; optional sint64 int_value = 31; optional double float_value = 32; optional string atom_value = 33; } message aux_xml_element { optional string atom = 43; optional xml_element element = 40; } message xml_element { required string name = 21; repeated kv_pair attributes = 22; repeated aux_xml_element contents = 23; } message XMLFile { repeated xml_element elements = 20; }
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=XMLFile pb_vector.proto <tmp98.tmp elements { name: "space1" attributes { key: "foo" atom_value: "1" } attributes { key: "bar" atom_value: "2" } contents { atom: "fum" } contents { atom: "bar" } contents { element { name: "space2" attributes { key: "fum" float_value: 3.1415 } attributes { key: "bum" int_value: -14 } contents { atom: "more stuff for you" } } } contents { element { name: "space2b" contents { atom: "this" } contents { atom: "is" } contents { atom: "embedded" } contents { atom: "also" } } } contents { atom: "to" } contents { atom: "you" } }
This is an example of using the low-level interface.
In the Prolog client:
vector_type(double(_List), 2). vector_type(float(_List), 3). vector_type(integer(_List), 4). vector_type(integer64(_List), 5). vector_type(integer32(_List), 6). vector_type(unsigned(_List), 7). vector_type(codes(_List), 8). vector_type(atom(_List), 9). vector_type(string(_List), 10). vector(Type, B):- vector_type(Type, Tag), Proto = protobuf([ repeated(Tag, Type) ]), protobuf_message(Proto, B).
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message Vector { repeated double double_values = 2; repeated float float_values = 3; repeated sint32 integer_values = 4; repeated fixed64 integer64_values = 5; repeated fixed32 integer32_values = 6; repeated uint32 unsigned_values = 7; repeated bytes bytes_values = 8; repeated string atom_values = 9; repeated string string_values = 10; }
A typical application might consist of an abstract adapter class along with a collection of concrete subclasses that refine an abstract behavior in order to hide the interaction with the underlying protobuf interpreter. An example of such a class written in C++ may be found in the demos.
On the Prolog side:
:- meta_predicate ~>(0,0). :- op(950, xfy, ~>). ~>(P, Q) :- setup_call_cleanup(P, (true; fail), assertion(Q)). write_as_proto(Vector) :- vector(Vector, WireStream), open('tmp99.tmp', write, S, [encoding(octet),type(binary)]) ~> close(S), format(S, '~s', [WireStream]), !. testv1(V) :- read_file_to_codes('tmp99.tmp', Codes, [encoding(octet),type(binary)]), vector(V, Codes).
Run the Prolog side:
?- X is pi, write_as_proto(double([-2.2212, -7.6675, X, 0, 1.77e-9, 2.54e222])). X = 3.14159. ?- testv1(Vector). Vector = double([-2.2212, -7.6675, 3.14159, 0.0, 1.77e-09, 2.54e+222]) ?-
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=Vector pb_vector.proto <tmp99.tmp double_values: -2.2212 double_values: -7.6675 double_values: 3.1415926535897931 double_values: 0 double_values: 1.77e-09 double_values: 2.5400000000000002e+222
This is an example of using the low-level interface.
The following example shows how one can specify a Protocol Buffer message that can deal with variable-length, unstructured bags of numbers:
compound_protobuf(complex(Real, Img), group(12, [double(1, Real), double(2, Img)])). compound_protobuf(float(Val), float(13, Val)). compound_protobuf(double(Val), double(14, Val)). compound_protobuf((Num rdiv Den), group(15, [integer(1, Num), integer(2, Den)])). compound_protobuf(integer(Val), integer(16, Val)). protobuf_bag([], []). protobuf_bag([ Type | More], WireCodes) :- compound_protobuf(Type, X), Proto = protobuf([embedded(1, protobuf([X]))]), protobuf_message(Proto, WireCodes, WireCodes1), protobuf_bag(More, WireCodes1), !.
Use it as follows:
?- protobuf_bag([complex(2,3), complex(4,5), complex(6,7), 355 rdiv -113, integer(11)], X). X = [10, 20, 99, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0|...]. ?- protobuf_bag(Y, $X). Y = [complex(2.0, 3.0), complex(4.0, 5.0), complex(6.0, 7.0), 355 rdiv -113, integer(11)].
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message compound_protobuf { optional group Complex = 12 { required double real = 1; required double img = 2; }; optional group Fraction = 15 { required sint64 num = 1; required sint64 den = 2; }; optional float float = 13; optional double double = 14; optional sint32 integer = 16; } message protobuf_bag { repeated compound_protobuf bag = 1;
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=protobuf_bag pb_vector.proto <tmp96.tmp bag { Complex { real: 2 img: 3 } } bag { Complex { real: 4 img: 5 } } bag { Complex { real: 6 img: 7 } } bag { Fraction { num: 355 den: -113 } } bag { integer: 11 }