A partition_freely/4 predicate which partitions into arbitrarily many partitions by accepting a "partitioning closure" as first argument, returning the result as an SWI-Prolog dict where the dict's keys are the partition keys:
Define a partitioning predicate taking 3 arguments
partition_by_length_modulo_m(Modulo,Atom,Key) :- atom_length(Atom,Length), Key is Length mod Modulo.
A "partitioning closure" might then be for exmaple partition_by_length_modulo_m(5)
: a partially filled in predicate call.
?- partition_freely( partition_by_length_modulo_m(5), [silent,puffy,left,damaged,fascinated,deafening, wistful,whip,nest,inquisitive,imperfect,jog,unwieldy,provide,locket,reign], result_tag, DictOut). DictOut = result_tag{ 0:[puffy, fascinated, reign], 1:[silent, inquisitive, locket], 2:[damaged, wistful, provide], 3:[jog, unwieldy], 4:[left, deafening, whip, nest, imperfect]}.