The library(prolog_pack) provides the SWI-Prolog package manager. This
library lets you inspect installed packages, install packages, remove
packages, etc. This library complemented by the built-in predicates such
as attach_packs/2 that makes installed packages available as libraries.
The important functionality of this library is encapsulated in the app
. For help, run
swipl pack help
pack_list_installed is det- List currently installed packages and report possible dependency
pack_info(+Pack)- Print more detailed information about Pack.
pack_list(+Query) is det
pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
pack_search(+Query) is det- Query package server and installed packages and display results.
Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of
known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single
line is displayed that provides:
- Installation status
- p: package, not installed
- i: installed package; up-to-date with public version
- a: as i, but installed only as dependency
- U: installed package; can be upgraded
- A: installed package; newer than publically available
- l: installed package; not on server
- Name@Version
- Name@Version(ServerVersion)
- Title
Options processed:
- installed(true)
- Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the
server to compare our local version to the latest available
- outdated(true)
- Only list packages that need to be updated. This option
- server((Server|false))
- If
, do not contact the server. This implies
. Otherwise, use the given pack server.
Hint: ?- pack_list('').
lists all known packages.
The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both
contact the package server at to find
available packages. Contacting the server can be avoided using the
pack_install(+Spec:atom) is det
pack_install(+SpecOrList, +Options) is det- Install one or more packs from SpecOrList. SpecOrList is a single
specification or a list of specifications. A specification is one of
- A pack name. This queries the pack repository
- Archive file name
- A
URL of an archive file name. This URL may contain a
star (*) for the version. In this case pack_install/1 asks
for the directory content and selects the latest version.
- An https GIT URL
- A local directory name given as
, in which case a relative symlink is created to the
current directory (all other options for Spec make a copy
of the files). Installation using a symlink is normally
used during development of a pack.
Processes the options below. Default options as would be used by
pack_install/1 are used to complete the provided Options. Note that
pack_install/2 can be used through the SWI-Prolog command line app
as below. Most of the options of this predicate are available
as command line options.
swipl pack install <name>
- url(+URL)
- Source for downloading the package
- pack_directory(+Dir)
- Directory into which to install the package.
- global(+Boolean)
- If
, install in the XDG common application data path,
making the pack accessible to everyone. If false
, install in
the XDG user application data path, making the pack accessible
for the current user only. If the option is absent, use the
first existing and writable directory. If that doesn't exist
find locations where it can be created and prompt the user to do
- insecure(+Boolean)
- When
(default false
), do not perform any checks on SSL
certificates when downloading using https
- interactive(+Boolean)
- Use default answer without asking the user if there
is a default action.
- silent(+Boolean)
- If
(default false), suppress informational progress
- upgrade(+Boolean)
- If
(default false
), upgrade package if it is already
- rebuild(Condition)
- Rebuild the foreign components. Condition is one of
(default, do nothing if the directory with foreign
resources exists), make
(run make
) or true
(run `make
distclean` followed by the default configure and build steps).
- test(Boolean)
- If
(default), run the pack tests.
- git(+Boolean)
- If
(default false
unless URL ends with .git
assume the URL is a GIT repository.
- link(+Boolean)
- Can be used if the installation source is a local directory
and the file system supports symbolic links. In this case
the system adds the current directory to the pack registration
using a symbolic link and performs the local installation steps.
- version(+Version)
- Demand the pack to satisfy some version requirement. Version
is as defined by require_version/3. For example
is the
same as >=('1.5')
- branch(+Branch)
- When installing from a git repository, clone this branch.
- commit(+Commit)
- When installing from a git repository, checkout this commit.
Commit is either a hash, a tag, a branch or
- build_type(+Type)
- When building using CMake, use
Default is the build type of Prolog or Release
- register(+Boolean)
- If
(default), register packages as downloaded after
performing the download. This contacts the server with the
meta-data of each pack that was downloaded. The server will
either register the location as a new version or increment
the download count. The server stores the IP address of the
client. Subsequent downloads of the same version from the
same IP address are ignored.
- server(+URL)
- Pack server to contact. Default is the setting
, by default set to
Non-interactive installation can be established using the option
. It is adviced to install from a particular
trusted URL instead of the plain pack name for unattented
pack_install_local(:Spec, +Dir, +Options) is det- Install a number of packages in a local directory. This predicate
supports installing packages local to an application rather than
pack_url_file(+URL, -File) is det- True if File is a unique id for the referenced pack and version.
Normally, that is simply the base name, but GitHub archives destroy
this picture. Needed by the pack manager in the web server.
pack_rebuild is det
pack_rebuild(+Pack) is det- Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack. The predicate
pack_rebuild/0 rebuilds all registered packs.
pack_upgrade(+Pack) is semidet- Upgrade Pack. Shorthand for
pack_install(Pack, [upgrade(true)])
pack_remove(+Name) is det
pack_remove(+Name, +Options) is det- Remove the indicated package. If packages depend (indirectly) on
this pack, ask to remove these as well. Options:
- interactive(false)
- Do not prompt the user.
- dependencies(Boolean)
- If
delete dependencies without asking.
pack_publish(+Spec, +Options) is det- Publish a package. There are two ways typical ways to call this. We
recommend developing a pack in a GIT repository. In this scenario
the pack can be published using
?- pack_publish('.', []).
Alternatively, an archive file has been uploaded to a public
location. In this scenario we can publish the pack using
?- pack_publish(URL, [])
In both scenarios, pack_publish/2 by default creates an isolated
environment and installs the package in this directory from the
public URL. On success it triggers the pack server to register the
URL as a new pack or a new release of a pack.
Packs may also be published using the app pack
, e.g.
swipl pack publish .
- git(Boolean)
- If
, and Spec is a git managed directory, install using
the remote repo.
- sign(Boolean)
- Sign the repository with the current version. This runs
git tag -s <tag>
- force(Boolean)
- Force the git tag. This runs
git tag -f <tag>
- branch(+Branch)
- Branch used for releases. Defined by git_default_branch/2
if not specified.
- register(+Boolean)
- If
(default true
), perform the installation, but do
not upload to the server. This can be used for testing.
- isolated(+Boolean)
- If
(default), install and build all packages in an
isolated package directory. If false
, use other packages
installed for the environment. The latter may be used to
speedup debugging.
- pack_directory(+Dir)
- Install the temporary packages in Dir. If omitted pack_publish/2
creates a temporary directory and deletes this directory after
completion. An explict target Dir is created if it does not
exist and is not deleted on completion.
- clean(+Boolean)
- If
(default), clean the destination directory first
pack_property(?Pack, ?Property) is nondet- True when Property is a property of an installed Pack. This
interface is intended for programs that wish to interact with the
package manager. Defined properties are:
- directory(Directory)
- Directory into which the package is installed
- version(Version)
- Installed version
- title(Title)
- Full title of the package
- author(Author)
- Registered author
- download(URL)
- Official download URL
- readme(File)
- Package
file (if present)
- todo(File)
- Package
file (if present)
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
pack_list(+Query) is det
pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
pack_search(+Query) is det- Query package server and installed packages and display results.
Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of
known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single
line is displayed that provides:
- Installation status
- p: package, not installed
- i: installed package; up-to-date with public version
- a: as i, but installed only as dependency
- U: installed package; can be upgraded
- A: installed package; newer than publically available
- l: installed package; not on server
- Name@Version
- Name@Version(ServerVersion)
- Title
Options processed:
- installed(true)
- Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the
server to compare our local version to the latest available
- outdated(true)
- Only list packages that need to be updated. This option
- server((Server|false))
- If
, do not contact the server. This implies
. Otherwise, use the given pack server.
Hint: ?- pack_list('').
lists all known packages.
The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both
contact the package server at to find
available packages. Contacting the server can be avoided using the
pack_list(+Query) is det
pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
pack_search(+Query) is det- Query package server and installed packages and display results.
Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of
known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single
line is displayed that provides:
- Installation status
- p: package, not installed
- i: installed package; up-to-date with public version
- a: as i, but installed only as dependency
- U: installed package; can be upgraded
- A: installed package; newer than publically available
- l: installed package; not on server
- Name@Version
- Name@Version(ServerVersion)
- Title
Options processed:
- installed(true)
- Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the
server to compare our local version to the latest available
- outdated(true)
- Only list packages that need to be updated. This option
- server((Server|false))
- If
, do not contact the server. This implies
. Otherwise, use the given pack server.
Hint: ?- pack_list('').
lists all known packages.
The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both
contact the package server at to find
available packages. Contacting the server can be avoided using the
pack_install(+Spec:atom) is det
pack_install(+SpecOrList, +Options) is det- Install one or more packs from SpecOrList. SpecOrList is a single
specification or a list of specifications. A specification is one of
- A pack name. This queries the pack repository
- Archive file name
- A
URL of an archive file name. This URL may contain a
star (*) for the version. In this case pack_install/1 asks
for the directory content and selects the latest version.
- An https GIT URL
- A local directory name given as
, in which case a relative symlink is created to the
current directory (all other options for Spec make a copy
of the files). Installation using a symlink is normally
used during development of a pack.
Processes the options below. Default options as would be used by
pack_install/1 are used to complete the provided Options. Note that
pack_install/2 can be used through the SWI-Prolog command line app
as below. Most of the options of this predicate are available
as command line options.
swipl pack install <name>
- url(+URL)
- Source for downloading the package
- pack_directory(+Dir)
- Directory into which to install the package.
- global(+Boolean)
- If
, install in the XDG common application data path,
making the pack accessible to everyone. If false
, install in
the XDG user application data path, making the pack accessible
for the current user only. If the option is absent, use the
first existing and writable directory. If that doesn't exist
find locations where it can be created and prompt the user to do
- insecure(+Boolean)
- When
(default false
), do not perform any checks on SSL
certificates when downloading using https
- interactive(+Boolean)
- Use default answer without asking the user if there
is a default action.
- silent(+Boolean)
- If
(default false), suppress informational progress
- upgrade(+Boolean)
- If
(default false
), upgrade package if it is already
- rebuild(Condition)
- Rebuild the foreign components. Condition is one of
(default, do nothing if the directory with foreign
resources exists), make
(run make
) or true
(run `make
distclean` followed by the default configure and build steps).
- test(Boolean)
- If
(default), run the pack tests.
- git(+Boolean)
- If
(default false
unless URL ends with .git
assume the URL is a GIT repository.
- link(+Boolean)
- Can be used if the installation source is a local directory
and the file system supports symbolic links. In this case
the system adds the current directory to the pack registration
using a symbolic link and performs the local installation steps.
- version(+Version)
- Demand the pack to satisfy some version requirement. Version
is as defined by require_version/3. For example
is the
same as >=('1.5')
- branch(+Branch)
- When installing from a git repository, clone this branch.
- commit(+Commit)
- When installing from a git repository, checkout this commit.
Commit is either a hash, a tag, a branch or
- build_type(+Type)
- When building using CMake, use
Default is the build type of Prolog or Release
- register(+Boolean)
- If
(default), register packages as downloaded after
performing the download. This contacts the server with the
meta-data of each pack that was downloaded. The server will
either register the location as a new version or increment
the download count. The server stores the IP address of the
client. Subsequent downloads of the same version from the
same IP address are ignored.
- server(+URL)
- Pack server to contact. Default is the setting
, by default set to
Non-interactive installation can be established using the option
. It is adviced to install from a particular
trusted URL instead of the plain pack name for unattented
pack_rebuild is det
pack_rebuild(+Pack) is det- Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack. The predicate
pack_rebuild/0 rebuilds all registered packs.
pack_remove(+Name) is det
pack_remove(+Name, +Options) is det- Remove the indicated package. If packages depend (indirectly) on
this pack, ask to remove these as well. Options:
- interactive(false)
- Do not prompt the user.
- dependencies(Boolean)
- If
delete dependencies without asking.