Availability:Arithmetic function (see is/2)
random_floatEvaluate to a random float I for which 0.0 < i <
1.0. This function shares the random state with random/1.
All remarks with the function random/1
also apply for random_float/0.
Note that both sides of the domain are open. This avoids
evaluation errors on, e.g., log/1
or //2 while no
practical application can expect 0.0.130Richard
O'Keefe said: “If you are generating IEEE doubles with
the claimed uniformity, then 0 has a 1 in 2^53 = 1 in
9,007,199,254,740,992 chance of turning up. No program that
expects [0.0,1.0) is going to be surprised when 0.0 fails to turn up in
a few millions of millions of trials, now is it? But a program that
expects (0.0,1.0) could be devastated if 0.0 did turn up.’