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Prolog files

rdf11.pl  -- RDF 1.1 APIShow source
invalid_lexical_form_hook/3This hook is called if translation of the lexical form to the Prolog representation fails due to a syntax error.Source
rdf/3True if an RDF triple <S,P,O> exists, optionally in the graph G.Source
rdf/4True if an RDF triple <S,P,O> exists, optionally in the graph G.Source
rdf_assert/3Assert a new triple.Source
rdf_assert/4Assert a new triple.Source
rdf_assert_list/2Create an RDF list from the given Prolog List.Source
rdf_assert_list/3Create an RDF list from the given Prolog List.Source
rdf_bnode/1True if BNode is a currently known blank node.Source
rdf_canonical_literal/2Transform a relaxed literal specification as allowed for rdf_assert/3 into its canonical form.Source
rdf_compare/3True if the RDF terms Left and Right are ordered according to the comparison operator Diff.Source
rdf_create_bnode/1Create a new BNode.Source
rdf_default_graph/1Query/set the notion of the default graph.Source
rdf_default_graph/2Query/set the notion of the default graph.Source
rdf_has/3Similar to rdf/3 and rdf/4, but P matches all predicates that are defined as an rdfs:subPropertyOf of P.Source
rdf_has/4Similar to rdf/3 and rdf/4, but P matches all predicates that are defined as an rdfs:subPropertyOf of P.Source
rdf_iri/1True if IRI is a current IRI.Source
rdf_is_bnode/1True if Term is an RDF blank node identifier.Source
rdf_is_iri/1True if IRI is an RDF IRI term.Source
rdf_is_literal/1True if Term is an RDF literal term.Source
rdf_is_name/1True if Term is an RDF Name, i.e., an IRI or literal.Source
rdf_is_object/1True if Term can appear in the object position of a triple.Source
rdf_is_predicate/1True if Term can appear in the predicate position of a triple.Source
rdf_is_subject/1True if Term can appear in the subject position of a triple.Source
rdf_is_term/1True if Term can be used as an RDF term, i.e., if Term is either an IRI, a blank node or an RDF literal.Source
rdf_last/2True when Last is the last element of RDFList.Source
rdf_length/2True when Length is the number of cells in RDFList.Source
rdf_lexical_form/2True when Lexical is the lexical form for the literal Literal.Source
rdf_list/1True if RDFTerm is a proper RDF list.Source
rdf_list/2True when PrologList represents the rdf:first objects for all cells in RDFList.Source
rdf_literal/1True if Term is a known literal.Source
rdf_member/2True when Member is a member of RDFList.Source
rdf_name/1True if Name is a current IRI or literal.Source
rdf_nextto/2True if Y directly follows X in RdfList.Source
rdf_nextto/3True if Y directly follows X in RdfList.Source
rdf_node/1True when T appears in the subject or object position of a known triple, i.e., is a node in the RDF graph.Source
rdf_nth0/3True when X is the Index-th element (0-based or 1-based) of RDFList.Source
rdf_nth1/3True when X is the Index-th element (0-based or 1-based) of RDFList.Source
rdf_object/1True when O is a currently known object, i.e.Source
rdf_predicate/1True when P is a currently known predicate, i.e.Source
rdf_reachable/3True when O can be reached from S using the transitive closure of P.Source
rdf_reachable/5True when O can be reached from S using the transitive closure of P.Source
rdf_retract_list/1Retract the rdf:first, rdf:rest and rdf:type=rdf:'List' triples from all nodes reachable through rdf:rest.Source
rdf_retractall/3Remove all matching triples from the database.Source
rdf_retractall/4Remove all matching triples from the database.Source
rdf_subject/1True when S is a currently known subject, i.e.Source
rdf_term/1True if Term appears in the RDF database.Source
rdf_update/4Replaces one of the three (four) fields on the matching triples depending on Action:.Source
rdf_update/5Replaces one of the three (four) fields on the matching triples depending on Action:.Source
rdf_where/1Formulate constraints on RDF terms, notably literals.Source
{}/1Formulate constraints on RDF terms, notably literals.Source
rdf11_containers.pl  -- RDF 1.1 ContainersShow source
rdf_cache.pl  -- Cache RDF triplesShow source
rdf_cache_file/3File is the cache file for URL.Source
rdf_set_cache_options/1Change the cache policy.Source
rdf_compare.pl  -- Compare RDF graphsShow source
rdf_db.pl  -- Core RDF databaseShow source
rdf_edit.pl  -- RDF edit layerShow source
rdf_http_plugin.pl  -- RDF HTTP PluginShow source
rdf_library.pl  -- RDF Library ManagerShow source
rdf_litindex.pl  -- Search literalsShow source
rdf_delete_literal_index/1Fully delete a literal index.Source
rdf_find_literal/2Find literals in the RDF database matching Spec.Source
rdf_find_literals/2Find literals in the RDF database matching Spec.Source
rdf_literal_index/2True when Index is a literal map containing the index of Type.Source
rdf_set_literal_index_option/1Set options for the literal package.Source
rdf_stopgap_token/1True when Token is a stopgap token.Source
rdf_token_expansions/2Determine which extensions of a token contribute to finding literals.Source
rdf_tokenize_literal/2Tokenize a literal.Source
rdf_ntriples.pl  -- Process files in the RDF N-Triples formatShow source
rdf_persistency.pl  -- RDF persistency pluginShow source
property_of_graph/2Extend rdf_graph_property/2 with new properties.Source
rdf_attach_db/2Start persistent operations using Directory as place to store files.Source
rdf_current_db/1True if Dir is the current RDF persistent database.Source
rdf_db_to_file/2Translate between database encoding (often an file or URL) and the name we store in the directory.Source
rdf_detach_db/0Detach from the current database.Source
rdf_flush_journals/1Flush dirty journals.Source
rdf_journal_file/2True if File the name of the existing journal file for Graph.Source
rdf_persistency/2Specify whether a database is persistent.Source
rdf_persistency_property/1True when Property is a property of the current persistent database.Source
rdf_snapshot_file/2True if File the name of the existing snapshot file for Graph.Source
rdf_portray.pl  -- Portray RDF resourcesShow source
rdf_prefixes.pl  -- RDF prefixes managementShow source
rdf_sandbox.pl  -- Declare RDF API sandbox-safeShow source
rdf_turtle.pl  -- Turtle readerShow source
rdf_turtle_write.pl  -- Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language writerShow source
rdf_zlib_plugin.pl  -- RDF compressed-data pluginShow source
rdfa.pl  -- Extract RDF from an HTML or XML DOMShow source
rdfs.pl  -- RDFS handlingShow source
sparql_client.pl  -- SPARQL client libraryShow source
sparql_query/3Execute a SPARQL query on an HTTP SPARQL endpoint.Source
sparql_read_json_result/2The returned Result term is of the format:.Source
sparql_read_xml_result/2Specs from http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/.Source
sparql_set_server/1Set sparql server default options.Source
turtle.pl  -- Turtle: Terse RDF Triple LanguageShow source