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Prolog files

aggregate.pl  -- Aggregation operators on backtrackable predicatesShow source
ansi_term.pl  -- Print decorated text to ANSI consolesShow source
apply.pl  -- Apply predicates on a listShow source
convlist/3Similar to maplist/3, but elements for which call(Goal, ElemIn, _) fails are omitted from ListOut.Source
exclude/3Filter elements for which Goal fails.Source
foldl/4Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/5Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/6Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
foldl/7Fold an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("fold-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
include/3Filter elements for which Goal succeeds.Source
maplist/2True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/3True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/4True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
maplist/5True if Goal is successfully applied on all matching elements of the list.Source
partition/4Filter elements of List according to Pred.Source
partition/5Filter List according to Pred in three sets.Source
scanl/4Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/5Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/6Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
scanl/7Scan an ensemble of m (0 <= m <= 4) lists of length n head-to-tail ("scan-left"), using columns of m list elements as arguments for Goal.Source
apply_macros.pl  -- Goal expansion rules to avoid meta-callingShow source
arithmetic.pl  -- Extensible arithmeticShow source
assoc.pl  -- Binary associationsShow source
atom.pl  -- Operations on atomsShow source
backcomp.pl  -- Backward compatibilityShow source
base32.pl  -- Base32 encoding and decodingShow source
base64.pl  -- Base64 encoding and decodingShow source
broadcast.pl  -- Event serviceShow source
charsio.pl  -- I/O on Lists of Character CodesShow source
check.pl  -- Consistency checkingShow source
check_installation.pl  -- Check installation issues and featuresShow source
codesio.pl  -- I/O on Lists of Character CodesShow source
coinduction.pl  -- Co-Logic ProgrammingShow source
console_input.plShow source
csv.pl  -- Process CSV (Comma-Separated Values) dataShow source
ctypes.pl  -- Character code classificationShow source
date.pl  -- Process dates and timesShow source
debug.pl  -- Print debug messages and test assertionsShow source
dialect.pl  -- Support multiple Prolog dialectsShow source
dicts.pl  -- Dict utilitiesShow source
dict_fill/4Implementation for the dicts_to_same_keys/3 OnEmpty closure that fills new cells with a copy of ValueIn.Source
dict_keys/2True when Keys is an ordered set of the keys appearing in Dict.Source
dict_size/2True when KeyCount is the number of keys in Dict.Source
dicts_join/3Join dicts in Dicts that have the same value for Key, provided they do not have conflicting values on other keys.Source
dicts_join/4Join two lists of dicts (Dicts1 and Dicts2) on Key.Source
dicts_same_keys/2True if List is a list of dicts that all have the same keys and Keys is an ordered set of these keys.Source
dicts_same_tag/2True when List is a list of dicts that all have the tag Tag.Source
dicts_slice/3DictsOut is a list of Dicts only containing values for Keys.Source
dicts_to_compounds/4True when Dicts and Compounds are lists of the same length and each element of Compounds is a compound term whose arguments represent the values associated with the corresponding keys in Keys.Source
dicts_to_same_keys/3DictsOut is a copy of DictsIn, where each dict contains all keys appearing in all dicts of DictsIn.Source
mapdict/2True when all dicts have the same set of keys and call(Goal, Key, V1, ...) is true for all keys in the dicts.Source
mapdict/3True when all dicts have the same set of keys and call(Goal, Key, V1, ...) is true for all keys in the dicts.Source
mapdict/4True when all dicts have the same set of keys and call(Goal, Key, V1, ...) is true for all keys in the dicts.Source
dif.pl  -- The dif/2 constraintShow source
edinburgh.pl  -- Some traditional Edinburgh predicatesShow source
edit.pl  -- Editor interfaceShow source
error.pl  -- Error generating supportShow source
exceptions.pl  -- Exception classificationShow source
explain.pl  -- Describe Prolog TermsShow source
fastrw.pl  -- Fast reading and writing of termsShow source
fast_read/1The next term is read from current standard input and is unified with Term.Source
fast_write/1Output Term in a way that fast_read/1 and fast_read/2 will be able to read it back.Source
fast_write_to_string/3Perform a fast-write to the difference-slist String\Tail.Source
files.plShow source
gensym.pl  -- Generate unique symbolsShow source
git.pl  -- Run GIT commandsShow source
hashtable.pl  -- Hash tablesShow source
ht_del/3Delete Key-Value from HT.Source
ht_gen/3True when Key-Value is in HT.Source
ht_get/3True when Key is in HT and associated with Value.Source
ht_is_hashtable/1True when HT is a hash table.Source
ht_keys/2True when Keys is an ordered set of all keys in HT.Source
ht_new/1Create a new hash table.Source
ht_pairs/2True when Pairs and HT represent the same association.Source
ht_put/3Add a Key-Value to HT.Source
ht_put/5Add Key-Value to HT.Source
ht_put_new/3As ht_put/3, but fails if Key is already in HT instead of updating the associated value.Source
ht_size/2True when Size is the number of key-value pairs in HT.Source
ht_update/4True when HT holds Key-Old before and Key-New after this call.Source
heaps.pl  -- heaps/priority queuesShow source
help.pl  -- Text based manualShow source
apropos/1Print objects from the manual whose name or summary match with Query.Source
help/0Show help for What.Source
help/1Show help for What.Source
show_html_hook/1Hook called to display the extracted HTML document.Source
hotfix.pl  -- Load hotfixes into executablesShow source
increval.pl  -- Incremental dynamic predicate modificationShow source
intercept.pl  -- Intercept and signal interfaceShow source
iostream.pl  -- Utilities to deal with streamsShow source
lazy_lists.pl  -- Lazy list handlingShow source
listing.pl  -- List programs and pretty print clausesShow source
lists.pl  -- List ManipulationShow source
append/2Concatenate a list of lists.Source
append/3List1AndList2 is the concatenation of List1 and List2.Source
clumped/2Pairs is a list of Item-Count pairs that represents the run length encoding of Items.Source
delete/3Delete matching elements from a list.Source
flatten/2Is true if FlatList is a non-nested version of NestedList.Source
intersection/3True if Set3 unifies with the intersection of Set1 and Set2.Source
is_set/1True if Set is a proper list without duplicates.Source
last/2Succeeds when Last is the last element of List.Source
list_to_set/2True when Set has the same elements as List in the same order.Source
max_list/2True if Max is the largest number in List.Source
max_member/2True when Max is the largest member in the standard order of terms.Source
max_member/3True when Max is the largest member according to Pred, which must be a 2-argument callable that behaves like (@=<)/2.Source
member/2True if Elem is a member of List.Source
min_list/2True if Min is the smallest number in List.Source
min_member/2True when Min is the smallest member in the standard order of terms.Source
min_member/3True when Min is the smallest member according to Pred, which must be a 2-argument callable that behaves like (@=<)/2.Source
nextto/3True if Y directly follows X in List.Source
nth0/3True when Elem is the Index'th element of List.Source
nth0/4Select/insert element at index.Source
nth1/3Is true when Elem is the Index'th element of List.Source
nth1/4As nth0/4, but counting starts at 1.Source
numlist/3List is a list [Low, Low+1, ... High].Source
permutation/2True when Xs is a permutation of Ys.Source
prefix/2True iff Part is a leading substring of Whole.Source
proper_length/2True when Length is the number of elements in the proper list List.Source
reverse/2Is true when the elements of List2 are in reverse order compared to List1.Source
same_length/2Is true when List1 and List2 are lists with the same number of elements.Source
select/3Is true when List1, with Elem removed, results in List2.Source
select/4Select from two lists at the same position.Source
selectchk/3Semi-deterministic removal of first element in List that unifies with Elem.Source
selectchk/4Semi-deterministic version of select/4.Source
subseq/3Is true when SubList contains a subset of the elements of List in the same order and Complement contains all elements of List not in SubList, also in the order they appear in List.Source
subset/2True if all elements of SubSet belong to Set as well.Source
subtract/3Delete all elements in Delete from Set.Source
sum_list/2Sum is the result of adding all numbers in List.Source
union/3True if Set3 unifies with the union of the lists Set1 and Set2.Source
macros.pl  -- Macro expansionShow source
main.pl  -- Provide entry point for scriptsShow source
make.pl  -- Reload modified source filesShow source
modules.pl  -- Module utility predicatesShow source
nb_rbtrees.pl  -- Non-backtrackable operations on red black treesShow source
nb_set.pl  -- Non-backtrackable setsShow source
add_nb_set/2Insert Key into the set.Source
add_nb_set/3Insert Key into the set.Source
empty_nb_set/1Create an empty non-backtrackable set.Source
gen_nb_set/2Enumerate the members of a set in the standard order of terms.Source
nb_set_to_list/2Get the elements of a an nb_set.Source
size_nb_set/2Unify Size with the number of elements in the set.Source
obfuscate.pl  -- Code obfuscatingShow source
occurs.pl  -- Finding and counting sub-termsShow source
contains_term/2Succeeds if Sub is contained in Term (=, deterministically).Source
contains_var/2Succeeds if Sub is contained in Term (==, deterministically).Source
free_of_term/2Succeeds of Sub does not unify to any subterm of Term.Source
free_of_var/2Succeeds of Sub is not equal (==) to any subterm of Term.Source
occurrences_of_term/3Count the number of SubTerms in Term that unify with SubTerm.Source
occurrences_of_var/3Count the number of SubTerms in Term that are equal to SubTerm.Source
sub_term/2Generates (on backtracking) all subterms of Term.Source
sub_term_shared_variables/3If Sub is a sub term of Term, Vars is bound to the list of variables in Sub that also appear outside Sub in Term.Source
sub_var/2Generates (on backtracking) all subterms (==) of Term.Source
operators.pl  -- Manage operatorsShow source
option.pl  -- Option list processingShow source
optparse.pl  -- command line parsingShow source
ordsets.pl  -- Ordered set manipulationShow source
is_ordset/1True if Term is an ordered set.Source
list_to_ord_set/2Transform a list into an ordered set.Source
ord_add_element/3Insert an element into the set.Source
ord_del_element/3Delete an element from an ordered set.Source
ord_disjoint/2True if Set1 and Set2 have no common elements.Source
ord_empty/1True when List is the empty ordered set.Source
ord_intersect/2True if both ordered sets have a non-empty intersection.Source
ord_intersect/3Intersection holds the common elements of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_intersection/2Intersection of a powerset.Source
ord_intersection/3Intersection holds the common elements of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_intersection/4Intersection and difference between two ordered sets.Source
ord_memberchk/2True if Element is a member of OrdSet, compared using ==.Source
ord_selectchk/3Selectchk/3, specialised for ordered sets.Source
ord_seteq/2True if Set1 and Set2 have the same elements.Source
ord_subset/2Is true if all elements of Sub are in Super.Source
ord_subtract/3Diff is the set holding all elements of InOSet that are not in NotInOSet.Source
ord_symdiff/3Is true when Difference is the symmetric difference of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_union/2True if Union is the union of all elements in the superset SetOfSets.Source
ord_union/3Union is the union of Set1 and Set2.Source
ord_union/4True iff ord_union(Set1, Set2, Union) and ord_subtract(Set2, Set1, New).Source
oset.pl  -- Ordered set manipulationShow source
pairs.pl  -- Operations on key-value listsShow source
persistency.pl  -- Provide persistent dynamic predicatesShow source
pio.pl  -- Pure I/OShow source
portray_text.pl  -- Portray textShow source
portray_text/1Switch portraying on or off.Source
set_portray_text/2Set options for portraying.Source
set_portray_text/3Set options for portraying.Source
pprint.pl  -- Pretty Print Prolog termsShow source
predicate_options.pl  -- Access and analyse predicate optionsShow source
prolog_autoload.pl  -- Autoload all dependenciesShow source
prolog_breakpoints.pl  -- Manage Prolog break-pointsShow source
prolog_clause.pl  -- Get detailed source-information about a clauseShow source
prolog_code.pl  -- Utilities for reasoning about codeShow source
prolog_codewalk.pl  -- Prolog code walkerShow source
prolog_colour.pl  -- Prolog syntax colouring support.Show source
prolog_config.pl  -- Provide configuration informationShow source
prolog_coverage.pl  -- Coverage analysis toolShow source
prolog_debug.pl  -- User level debugging toolsShow source
prolog_deps.pl  -- Compute file dependenciesShow source
prolog_evaluable.pl  -- Inspect properties of evaluable functionsShow source
prolog_format.pl  -- Analyse format specificationsShow source
format_spec/2Parse a format string.Source
format_spec/3DCG for parsing format strings.Source
format_types/2True when Format requires an argument list with terms of the type specified by Types.Source
prolog_history.pl  -- Per-directory persistent commandline historyShow source
prolog_jiti.pl  -- Just In Time Indexing (JITI) utilitiesShow source
jiti_list/0List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates.Source
jiti_list/1List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates.Source
prolog_locale.pl  -- Tweak the locale for Prolog developmentShow source
setup_prolog_integer_grouping/0This sets up the Prolog toplevel and debugger to write numbers with grouping.Source
prolog_metainference.pl  -- Infer meta-predicate propertiesShow source
infer_meta_predicate/2True when MetaSpec is a meta-predicate specifier for the predicate Head.Source
inferred_meta_predicate/2True when MetaSpec is an inferred meta-predicate specification for Head.Source
prolog_pack.pl  -- A package manager for PrologShow source
pack_info/1Print more detailed information about Pack.Source
pack_install/1Install one or more packs from SpecOrList.Source
pack_install/2Install one or more packs from SpecOrList.Source
pack_install_local/3Install a number of packages in a local directory.Source
pack_list/1Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_list/2Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_list_installed/0List currently installed packages and report possible dependency issues.Source
pack_property/2True when Property is a property of an installed Pack.Source
pack_publish/2Publish a package.Source
pack_rebuild/0Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack.Source
pack_rebuild/1Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack.Source
pack_remove/1Remove the indicated package.Source
pack_remove/2Remove the indicated package.Source
pack_search/1Query package server and installed packages and display results.Source
pack_upgrade/1Upgrade Pack.Source
pack_url_file/2True if File is a unique id for the referenced pack and version.Source
prolog_profile.pl  -- Execution profilerShow source
profile/1Run once(Goal) under the execution profiler.Source
profile/2Run once(Goal) under the execution profiler.Source
profile_data/1Gather all relevant data from profiler.Source
profile_procedure_data/2Collect data for Pred.Source
show_profile/1Display last collected profiling data.Source
prolog_source.pl  -- Examine Prolog source-filesShow source
prolog_stack.pl  -- Examine the Prolog stackShow source
backtrace/1Get and print a stacktrace to the user_error stream.Source
get_prolog_backtrace/2Obtain a backtrace from the current location.Source
get_prolog_backtrace/3Obtain a backtrace from the current location.Source
print_last_choicepoint/0Print details on the last open choice point.Source
print_prolog_backtrace/2Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream.Source
print_prolog_backtrace/3Print a stacktrace in human readable form to Stream.Source
prolog_stack_frame_property/2True when Property is a property of Frame.Source
stack_guard/1Dynamic multifile hook that is normally not defined.Source
stack_guard/1Dynamic multifile predicate.Source
prolog_trace.pl  -- Print access to predicatesShow source
prolog_versions.pl  -- Demand specific (Prolog) versionsShow source
prolog_wrap.pl  -- Wrapping predicatesShow source
prolog_xref.pl  -- Prolog cross-referencer data collectionShow source
pure_input.pl  -- Pure Input from files and streamsShow source
qpforeign.pl  -- Quintus compatible foreign loaderShow source
qsave.pl  -- Save current program as a state or executableShow source
arch_shlib/3This is a user defined hook called by qsave_program/2.Source
qsave_program/1Make a saved state in file `File'.Source
qsave_program/2Make a saved state in file `File'.Source
qsave_toplevel/0Called to handle `-c file` compilaton.Source
quasi_quotations.pl  -- Define Quasi Quotation syntaxShow source
quintus.pl  -- Quintus compatibilityShow source
random.pl  -- Random numbersShow source
getrand/1Query/set the state of the random generator.Source
maybe/0Succeed/fail with equal probability (variant of maybe/1).Source
maybe/1Succeed with probability P, fail with probability 1-P.Source
maybe/2Succeed with probability K/N (variant of maybe/1).Source
random/1Binds R to a new random float in the open interval (0.0,1.0).Source
random/3Generate a random integer or float in a range.Source
random_between/3Binds R to a random integer in [L,U] (i.e., including both L and U).Source
random_member/2X is a random member of List.Source
random_numlist/4Unify List with an ascending list of integers between L and U (inclusive).Source
random_perm2/4Does X=A,Y=B or X=B,Y=A with equal probability.Source
random_permutation/2Permutation is a random permutation of List.Source
random_select/3Randomly select or insert an element.Source
random_subseq/3Selects a random subsequence Subseq of List, with Complement containing all elements of List that were not selected.Source
randseq/3S is a list of K unique random integers in the range 1..N.Source
randset/3S is a sorted list of K unique random integers in the range 1..N.Source
setrand/1Query/set the state of the random generator.Source
rbtrees.pl  -- Red black treesShow source
readln.pl  -- Read line as list of tokensShow source
readutil.pl  -- Read utilitiesShow source
record.pl  -- Access compound arguments by nameShow source
rwlocks.pl  -- Read/write locksShow source
sandbox.pl  -- Sandboxed Prolog codeShow source
settings.pl  -- Setting managementShow source
shell.pl  -- Elementary shell commandsShow source
cd/0Change working directory.Source
cd/1Change working directory.Source
dirs/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
ls/0Listing similar to Unix =ls -F=, flagging directories with =/=.Source
ls/1Listing similar to Unix =ls -F=, flagging directories with =/=.Source
mv/2Move (Rename) a file.Source
popd/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
pushd/0Manage the directory stack:.Source
pushd/1Manage the directory stack:.Source
pwd/0Print current working directory.Source
rm/1Remove (unlink) a file.Source
shell/0Execute an interactive shell.Source
shlib.pl  -- Utility library for loading foreign objects (DLLs, shared objects)Show source
solution_sequences.pl  -- Modify solution sequencesShow source
sort.plShow source
statistics.pl  -- Get information about resource usageShow source
streams.pl  -- Manage Prolog streamsShow source
strings.pl  -- String utilitiesShow source
system.pl  -- System utilitiesShow source
tables.pl  -- XSB interface to tablesShow source
terms.pl  -- Term manipulationShow source
thread.pl  -- High level thread primitivesShow source
thread_pool.pl  -- Resource bounded thread managementShow source
threadutil.pl  -- Interactive thread utilitiesShow source
tty.pl  -- Terminal operationsShow source
ugraphs.pl  -- Graph manipulation libraryShow source
add_edges/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Edges to Graph.Source
add_vertices/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Vertices to Graph.Source
complement/2UGraphOut is a ugraph with an edge between all vertices that are not connected in UGraphIn and all edges from UGraphIn removed.Source
compose/3Compose NewGraph by connecting the drains of LeftGraph to the sources of RightGraph.Source
connect_ugraph/3Adds Start as an additional vertex that is connected to all vertices in UGraphIn.Source
del_edges/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by removing the list of Edges from Graph.Source
del_vertices/3Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by deleting the list of Vertices and all the edges that start from or go to a vertex in Vertices to the Graph.Source
edges/2Unify Edges with all edges appearing in Graph.Source
neighbors/3Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph.Source
neighbours/3Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph.Source
reachable/3True when Vertices is an ordered set of vertices reachable in UGraph, including Vertex.Source
top_sort/2Sort vertices topologically.Source
transitive_closure/2Generate the graph Closure as the transitive closure of Graph.Source
transpose_ugraph/2Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained from Graph by replacing all edges of the form V1-V2 by edges of the form V2-V1.Source
ugraph_layers/2Sort vertices topologically.Source
ugraph_union/3NewGraph is the union of Graph1 and Graph2.Source
vertices/2Unify Vertices with all vertices appearing in Graph.Source
vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3Create a UGraph from Vertices and Edges.Source
url.pl  -- Analysing and constructing URLShow source
utf8.pl  -- UTF-8 encoding/decoding on lists of character codes.Show source
varnumbers.pl  -- Utilities for numbered termsShow source
vm.pl  -- SWI-Prolog Virtual Machine utilitiesShow source
wfs.pl  -- Well Founded Semantics interfaceShow source
when.pl  -- Conditional coroutiningShow source
writef.pl  -- Old-style formatted writeShow source
www_browser.pl  -- Open a URL in the users browserShow source
expand_url_path/2Expand URL specifications similar to absolute_file_name/3.Source
known_browser/2True if browser FileBaseName has a remote protocol compatible to Compatible.Source
www_open_url/1Open URL in running version of the users' browser or start a new browser.Source
yall.pl  -- Lambda expressionsShow source
//2Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//3Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//4Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//5Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//6Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//7Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//8Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
//9Shorthand for Free/[]>>Lambda.Source
>>/2Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/3Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/4Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/5Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/6Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/7Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/8Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
>>/9Calls a copy of Lambda.Source
is_lambda/1True if Term is a valid Lambda expression.Source
lambda_calls/2Goal is the goal called if call/N is applied to LambdaExpression, where ExtraArgs are the additional arguments to call/N.Source
lambda_calls/3Goal is the goal called if call/N is applied to LambdaExpression, where ExtraArgs are the additional arguments to call/N.Source
zip.pl  -- Access resource ZIP archivesShow source
with_zipper/2Run Goal while holding ownership over Zipper.Source
zip_close/1Close a zipper.Source
zip_close/2Close a zipper.Source
zip_open/4Create a Zipper, providing access to File.Source
zipper_file_info/3Obtain information about the current zip entry.Source
zipper_goto/2Seek Zipper to a specified entry.
zipper_members/2True when Members is the list of file names in the Zipper.Source
zipper_open_current/3Open the current entry as an input stream.